Chapter 14

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"Give me a break! I refuse to even recognise that as a kiss." More like he's so skilled that I almost couldn't resist him. Though I'd hate to admit it.

"You're pretty when you're angry too." There's no use. He's not going to listen is he... I just want to wipe that smirk off his face.

"It's my turn to ask questions. Why were you so worked up over ice cream?"

"I wanted to try the flavor while I was here. I mean it's exclusive. Wouldn't anyone want to try it?"

"I knew you had a sweet tooth but..."

"Yeah I do, but ice cream hits different, especially Paradis Du Sucre. You got me into it after all..." He declares with his expression so uptight I nearly burst out laughing. "It's something special."

It reminds of what Rei said on the plane, and it finally clicks, "You like jewels, gambling, games, broadway and one more thing... ice cream. Tragically for you though, the ice cream is for me so—" I snatch the carton back from his hands and he attempts to retrieve it with irritation.

"It says 'make up', it means we're supposed to share it." He scrunches up his face with a frown like a child when they don't get what they want.

"What a terribly convenient way of interpreting it, but there's no way to know that's what he meant though. The definitive evidence remains, he delivered this to me." I smirk with mischief. Hell will freeze over before I give up something this precious.

He's done nothing but toy me since we met and now I have something he desperately wants... Something reckless then comes to mind. "If you're really that desperate..."

He grasps my change of attitude. "You've got something devious in mind, haven't you?"

I take the lid off the ice cream and taunt him with the delicious scent. "Don't be ridiculous. I'm perfectly willing to share... if you beg me well enough."

His eyes are gleaming with elation, "Another game is it?" He reverently takes my hand and presses a kiss to the back of it. "Do you think you could find it in your heart to share the ice cream with me? Please Bria... pretty please..." He must be really desperate to eat this if he's actually willing to beg for it.

After spending so much time running after him to get a step ahead of him, I have to admit it feels pretty good to see him hang his head low in defeat.

"I guess—"

"Naturally." He interrupts me then unexpectedly takes my fingers to scoop up some of the ice cream. Next, he removes the ice cream tub from my hand and places it onto a table next to us.

He proceeds to bring my fingers to his lips, and he stares at me with upturned eyes, pausing for moment, he slips his tongue out a little, and slowly glides it up one of my fingers before lightly sucking on it.

That feels... way better than it should be.

This action ultimately leaves me breathless and sends an unfamiliar shiver of pleasure running down my spine as he exudes this sensual energy. His eyes shoot me a piercing look as his tongue continuously flicks at my skin and licks up the melted ice cream dripping down my fingers.

"Oh..." I couldn't hold it in anymore and a quiet moan slips out. It feels too good. Too fucking good.

He uses his other hand to circle around my waist, gently pulling me closer then he uses a finger to draw a line down my back, causing me to swallow audibly. I squeeze my thighs tightly in attempt for him to not realise the effect he has on me.

"The ice cream tastes delicious, but I know you'd taste even better than any ice cream." He soothingly whispers.

I can't let him have all the fun. I tilt my head to the side and put my free hand against his shirt, taking my time to slide it down his chest, exploring his muscular, toned body. Then I suddenly remembered something... I lean in close to him on one side and I say his name in a way that I know will turn him on.

His eyes slightly narrow with lust lurking behind them, and I feel his hand grip my waist a bit tighter in response. So I still have an affect on you too.
"How about we forget about the bet for now. I won't ask you any questions, just let me pleasure you." Is he really this turned on he's willingly to make an exception?

The more he's got me wrapped around his finger, the more I'm starting to forget about my why I'm getting close to him in the first place.


Every time my skin made contact with her warm body, it would be so electrifying that it'd sink into my bones. I can't stop touching her... No, I don't want to stop.

I could see the battle of desire and resistance swimming in her eyes. "You can still turn away from my suggestion." I don't let her go but I don't make a move on her until I hear her answer. I wouldn't use this situation to my advantage when she's in her vulnerable self like this.

Her expression is unreadable as she stares back at me in silence. She has no idea how much I want to kiss every inch of her, how much I want to take my time familiarising her body with my touch again, how much I want her. Only she is able to make me feel this way, this excitement swirling in my gut.

Suddenly, a knock from the door dissolves our heated tension in the air and we break eye contact. We both swivel our heads towards the door,

"Miss Auden, are you here?" A young female voice speaks up through the door.

She pulls away from me and answers her, "Yes."

"Could you inform Mr Hayes that the car he arranged has arrived please?"

"Yes, I will. Thanks." Then we both hear her footsteps leaving.

"Well I guess playtime's over." I move towards the door and turn to her simply saying, "Meet me in the lobby." Afterwards I leave like nothing happened whilst she is surprised and flushed.

As I'm on my way to the elevator, I can't help but let out a grin. But then I realised what I just did before. I was willing to make an exception in our bet to get a taste of her. I really wasn't thinking through before I said it, I sounded almost desperate. The things she does to me...

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