Chapter 5

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"...How about you? You don't strike me as an heiress or socialite."

"Sorry I should've introduced myself. I'm a jewellery designer." I hand Rei my business card and he congenially accepts. "I'm currently doing business with him."

"Ah, I've heard about your popular upcoming exhibition. Eric you have an interest for shiny things. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from Miss Auden." He suggests as he lightly pats a hand on Eric's shoulder.

"I don't have the time and you're talking too much." He couldn't be more unapproachable, he refused to even accept my card.

"Who cares? Valen went through the trouble of inviting her, I'm curious." He says with a carefree attitude then turns back to me, "Sorry, it takes time for Eric to open up to people."

"It's fine. You guys are both such impressive people, I'm getting a little nervous just talking to you." I've definitely got a better understanding of Valen's temperament now.

"Don't be. Now, where is Valen?" He questions and his eyes search around the room.

"I think he might be busy at the moment. In that case I'll probably take my leave now. I'm feeling a bit tired anyway." I give them a quick nod and leave them be. As I'm leaving, I sense both pairs of eyes on my back, causing goosebumps on my skin, but I push the feelings of anxiousness away.


Somehow, I past through hallways and hallways, then someone unexpectedly appears in my line of sight as I make a right turn. "Leaving already?" I thought he was still at the party but it seems that he managed to slip away without anyone noticing, even with the mass popularity he has.

At first I thought that line was directed at me, but then I realise that Valen's talking someone else. I can't escape the situation now, not when I'm witnessing it. I stay hidden behind the wall and pray that he leaves soon as he's blocking the very path for me to get out of here.

A female voice cries out, "Don't come any closer!" I peek out a little to see what's going on, and it turns out to be the woman from earlier in Valen's office. She's stood still and something in her hands. A small object glints in the reflection of the lights and the way she's holding it raises alarms in my head.

A knife.

She brandishes the knife and starts running towards him.

Without even flinching, Valen efficiently swipes the knife from her with one hand. His gaze is filled with disinterest. "Did you really think you can hurt me with this thing? You're even more foolish than I thought."

"I loved you!" She helplessly wails with rage and tears glittering in her eyes. Love. They say love makes you blind.

Is this the price he pays for his womanising ways? A near stabbing? This situation is bound to get uglier.

Still holding the blade, he shoots her a chilling smirk, "Game over. Now spill, who sent you?" Is she somewhat a spy? But she didn't seem to know how to handle the knife when she charged... the possibility seems slim.

He signals someone behind her to grab hold of her then Valen uses his free hand to roam over her dress. After feeling around, he produces a key card she's been hiding in her bra.

"You were so desperate to get into my apartment that you stole from me?"

"Give that back!" Her eyes flare up with anger as she shouts at him.

"Sorry, but I can't. It was never yours to begin with. I was looking forward to finding out exactly how you were going to get the key to my private rooms. But your plan was surprisingly crude."

Suddenly, I spot Rei and Eric emerging in the opposite direction towards Valen.

"I turn my back on you guys for a minute and you're already having fun without us?" Rei casually states, like he's asking what the weather on the forecast is or something.

Eric still has his same never-changing emotionless expression and Rei, conversely, seems just as genuinely amused as his words implied.

"So what are you going to do with her?" Rei asks.

Apparently there's more to what meets the eye.

"Guests like her are all too common. What are you after? Why did you do it?" She becomes hesitant and remains quiet. "Relax. I'm not going to turn you into the police or anything." Just when I think he's being merciful, that bone-chilling smirk spreads across his face again. "I always deal with these kinds of situations internally. Nothing's more annoying than rumours, you know?"

"Rumors? I could get rid of them without breaking a sweat." Eric nonchalantly comments. No wonder many of Valen's rumoured shady scandals before always disappeared as soon as they've been posted on the media. They're all gone within a blink like they were never there. All thanks to him.

"There's no telling when the people who want to take me down will strike or what they'll do." He's actually getting a kick out of tormenting this woman. "I could torture you until you give up the name of whoever hired you. On the other hand..."

He presses the knife to her throat; she inhales deeply, holding her breath and her eyes squeeze shut while shaking like a leaf.

The darkness in his eyes is truly disturbing. This must be a glimpse of his mask truly showing.

I shouldn't get involved. It's too risky for me to be when he's this powerful... but then I can't just leave her like that after watching that whole scene unfold...

Making my decision, I step out from hiding, and I cautiously step forward, "What a scene." The moment the words come out, regret threatens to take over but there's no turning back now.

Valen whips his head around to my direction, while Rei and Eric's eyes widen. It's evident from their reactions that I should've kept my mouth shut.

I hear Rei mutter something, "Well, well..."

"Anything else you'd like to say?" Valen shifts his interest to me, his lips playing an amused yet cruel grin and asks with the knife still on her skin, ready to slash her at any moment.

Obviously intimidated by his intensity, Rei and Eric are speechless.

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