8 // Gus Porter

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When we last left off, everyone was surrounded by 15 alternates. You might think they would fight them off, but they were outmatched.
"EVERYONE! GET VERY CLOSE TO ME!" The Collector screamed as every sane person followed his direction. He brought up his hand and made a very loud snap, which sent the alternates flying back a little. Then he clapped his hands together, and they all vanished.
"What.. happened?" Luz asked as everyone came to and looked around. They were on a floating platform with a fence around the sides, and lights wrapped in between the fence poles.
"I used another new type of magic to teleport us out of the danger zone. I guess humans can't survive high speeds, so I let you all rest and created this platform to fly around on." The Collector said.
They were safe for now, but who knew when they would be cornered like that again? For now, they had to find Gus.
"Guys look, down there! I see Gus!" Willow said excitedly. Everyone looked down and saw Gus using his magic against others. He looked exactly like his human form, but with greater power. The Collector let down a rope and pulled him up, and he immediately hugged willow.
   "I thought everyone was dead! I'm so happy you're all ok!" Gus said excitedly with tears in his eyes.
   "How did you survive the huge curse thing?" Luz asked, also happy but confused.
   "Maybe it's because of my self hate, I thought I was a bad person myself and now I'm just me with more power!" He said excitedly.
   They had managed to get most of the group back together. Now they needed hunter. (Sorry this is so short y'all but I'm making another chapter of SPICYNOODLES!)

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