Chapter 7: Lights Out

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Time: 6:24 P.M.

It has been a few days since the train incident and things have been pretty quiet. The team has just been living their lives at the lookout waiting for any emergency calls. Ryder was working on some cool gadgets for everyone which would be finished in a few days.
Meanwhile, everyone else was playing soccer with Dina as the referee.

Team 1: Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Rowdy, Magenta
Team 2: Marshall, Skye, Rubble, Everest, Mika, Liberty

Rocky had the ball and was dashing down the field.

Chase: "Pass it to me Rocky!"

Rocky then passed it to Chase who had successfully caught the pass. Now Chase had the ball. Rubble and Marshall stood in front of him to try and block him, but Rowdy was open to the left.  Rowdy signaled for Chase to pass it to him and Chase passed the ball and Rowdy caught the pass successfully.

Rowdy: "Nice pass."

Rowdy with the ball continued down the field toward the goal. Magenta and Zuma were both open with Liberty and Everest in from of Rowdy. Mika was the goalie and Skye was a couple feet in front of her.

Everest: "You won't score against us!"

Rowdy: "Oh really?"

Without any warning Rowdy kicked the ball and it flew straight past everyone and into the net.

Rowdy: "Goal!"

Everyone on his team ran up to him and cheered his name.




Rowdy just took all the attention.

Dina: "3-2! Team 1 wins!"

The entire team howled in excitement

Marshall: "Wow Rowdy, I didn't know you were so good at soccer."

Mika: "Yeah! That kick was puptastic!"

Rowdy: "Thank you. Thank you."

Magenta: "Great work team."

Chase: "That was a good game."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Skye: "Hey, where's Ryder?"

Dina: "He's in the garage working in something."

Zuma: "What is it?"

Dina: "I don't know, he only told Rocky."

Everyone looked at Rocky.

Rocky: "Not telling you."


Rocky: *chuckles* "Speaking of, I'm going to go help him out. You guys have fun.


Outside the city was a massive energy plant that supplied the city with energy. Workers were operating the plant as they would any other day.

Noah: "Hey Frank, could you hand me my coffee?"

Frank: "I gotchu man."

Frank grabbed the cup of coffee and handed it to Noah.

Noah: "Thanks man."

Noah then took a sip of his coffee.

Frank: "Today's a long day huh?"

Noah: "Your telling me. I feel like we've been here forever, I just want to go home and be with my wife and kids."

Frank: "Same here."

Paw Patrol AU: Mighty Meteor Madness Where stories live. Discover now