Chapter 4: Heart "Pounding" Rescue

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Liberty and Mika: "Bernice?!"

The two pups were shocked to realize it was their friend.

Everest: "You know her?"

Liberty: "She's one of my friends."

Mika: "Same here. What happened though, also where's Toby?"

Everyone: "Toby?"

Mika: "Toby's her best friend, they usually go everywhere together."

Chase: "Maybe this had something to do with Mayor Humdinger."

Dina: "Probably so."

Ryder: "We'll we won't know anything until she wakes up. Dina could you go get a bowl of water? When she wakes up she'll probably be extremely thirsty."

Dina: "Okay Ryder."

Dina walked to the kitchen to fill a bowl with water. Then Marshall returned with his EMT gear on. Marshall walked up to the pup and did a full checkup on her.

Mika: "How is she Marshall?"

Marshall: "Dint worry, Bernice will be alright. For now we just have to let her rest."

Everyone sighed in relief. Then Dina walked back in the room with a bowl of cold water. She placed it on the ground nearby for when Bernice wakes up.

Dina: "Is she okay?"

Marshall: "She just needs some rest."

Dina: "Okay, that's good to hear."

Ryder: "Can you tell us what happened out in the garage? You and Rocky were there when she came in."

Dina: "Well we were checking all the vehicles when I heard running and looked to see her running towards us. She tried to tell us something but then she collapsed before she could say much."

Ryder: "We'll what did she say?"

Dina: "She said she need our help and then collapsed."

Ryder: "This might be more serious than I thought."

Just then Bernice had slowly woken up.

Marshall: "She's awake everyone!"

Bernice: "Ugh.... what happened?"

Bernice looked around and saw the entire paw patrol along with Mika. Mika ran up to her and gave her a hug along with Liberty.

Mika: "Thank god your okay!"

Liberty: "We were worried about you."

Bernice: "Sorry."

Dina: "Here Bernice, drink some water. Your very dehydrated."

Bernice walked up to the bowl of cold water and stared to drink from it.

Ryder: "So Bernice, can you tell us why you ran over here?"

Bernice: "Yes, I need your help."

Mika: "What happened?"

Bernice: "Me and Toby were walking back to our place we stay which is a large cardboard box with blankets. We were almost there but then two of Humdinger's workers cane around the corner and started chasing us."

Liberty: "Oh god, what happened next?"

Bernice started the eating up a little

Bernice: "Then Toby let himself get captured so I could get away. They tazed him and put him in a net. After that I just kept running."

Everyone stood in silence

Rocky: "Oh my god..."

Dina: "I know Hundinger's a bag guy but that's just cruel is too many ways... and to a pup? That's just terrible."

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