22: My Brother's Best Friend

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chapter 22

I'm standing on broken glass, towering over the man I've just stabbed with glass.

"You won't kill me," He breathed out, "You're exactly like your brother, can't live up to --- what --- he ---- said," he struggled to get his words out. I kicked him in the stomach making the piece of glass cut further into his skin. I'm fearless, this isn't me. I'm not scared. I could kill this man. Something tells me he was the man that killed Jonathan.

He was choking on air, gasping for one last breath. I stepped on one of his arms pulling his muscles away from his wound. He screamed out in pain. "IT WAS YOU WASN'T IT? YOU TOOK HIS LIFE?!"

He just laughed, "You'll never know." His laugh grew, and it annoyed me.

I picked up another piece of glass and it sliced my hand, ""AHHH!" I dropped it beside him releasing his arm from under my foot. He picked up the piece of glass and drove it through my leg. I let a a screeching scream and fell next to the man.

"You're easy Hunter. Just like your brother was."

I started to crawl away, in agonizing pain, glass stuck in my hands, legs and now getting stuck in my arms. He struggled to keep his eyes open.

There was a knock at the door, "Are you alright Cap?" an unfamiliar voice called, "Sounds like things are getting rough in there, if you know what I mean," The boy chuckled.

We both didn't reply and just lay on the ground, trying not to scream in pain.

"Cap? You good?" The boy knocked again, "Alright I'm coming in."

He swung open the door, again, in a ski mask, couldn't make out the eyes, other from them being brown. "CAP!" He screamed running over to this 'Cap' man with another boy following behind.

This is it, I can escape!

I started to crawl towards the door as fast as I could. The boys behind me crying out, "CAP! CAP! YOU'LL BE OKAY CAP!"

Half my body was through the door when I see the door in front of me swing open, "LENA!"

Anton cried and pulled me into the room, "Oh my god Lena what have they done to you!" He looked up and down my body, just pulling me close and hugging me, "My leg... Anton," He looked down to see a thick piece of glass stabbed into my calf.

"Oh my god. We need to pull that out now! Bite your arm!"

I looked at him with a ARE YOU CRAZY?! look.

"BITE YOUR ARM!" He yelled.

As soon bit my arm he pulled the piece of glass out and my leg starting oozing blood as my eyes starting oozing out tears. Anton teared a part of my pants off and tied it around my open wound. I have never experience something as painful as this.

I see Talen across the room, lying on the wall. Blood dripping from his nose, bruises everywhere, much more hurt than Anton. "Talen! oh my god---"

"Well what do we have here?!" I turn around to see a figure standing over me and Anton, "It's a little cute family reunion!"

"CAPS ALMOST DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" He kicked my in the stomach out of Anton's arms, "LEAVE HER ALONE!" Anton tried to stand but he was kicked as well, everyone now on the floor. Pain filled the room more than air.

"YOU'LL PAY LENA! YOU'LL PAY RIGHT NOW!" The man punched me across the face and jumped on top of me. I couldn't see anything, just this big figure wrapped around me, I think he's broken my jaw.

"DON'T HURT HER, TAKE IT OUT ON ME!" Anton said as he was crawling himself up the wall standing on both feet.

"Well. That might be more fun won't it!" He stood up and walked over to Anton, "SIMON!" He yelled and a small-built person walked into the room "Yes Serg!"

The so called Serg through Anton at Simon.

"NOOOOO!" I cried out, "PLEASE!!"
"SHUT UP!" Serg kicked me again making my body slam into the ground.

They slammed the door behind them.

I started to cry, ball my eyes out. I couldn't move, my body was in pain. I tried so hard. I really did. But nothing was working.

"Lena," Talen whispered. I turned my head to him. I couldn't make out his beat up face because my tears blurred my vision, as well as that punch I just copped from that Serg guy.

"Tal," I sobbed.

"I----" He breathed, trying to make out his words, "Love you."

I started to ball my eyes out again.

"So much." He then sobbed. Both of us crying in a room.

I replied, "I love y---"

I was cut off by the screams of my brother.

"ANTON!" I yelled, "An-----" My head hit the floor, "Ton."

We heard bangs. Anton screaming. Being thrown around. Crashes. Glass breaking. Sticks snapping. Whips scourging.


"IF YOU'RE GOING TO KILL ME! KILL ME!" I heard Anton's faint voice.


'This is all my fault. I'm so sorry Lenny.'

"JONATHAN!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, "JONATHAN!" I sobbed, "Jonathan--- please help us."

'You can do it to Lenny.'

"Do what?" I calmed my voice.

'Get inside people's heads. focus. You can do it.'

This magical power of ours runs in the family now?

Okay stop sobbing Lena and focus. His eyes were brown. he looked 5'11.

All of the sudden I felt in control.

Anton stopped screaming.

Noise was no where, everything was silent.

Suddenly. The door burst open and I was picked up by my shirt, legs hanging in the air.


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