Chapter 3 - A Test?

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I'm so sorry for the super long delay >.<

At first it was because I had writers block, but then I started summer school which is really stressing me out cuz if I dont pass summer school I'm not gonna graduate on time >. < either way, im really, really sorry!!!!

Gomenasai!!! *bows apologetically*

Oh, and im also sorry, but this chapters gonna be kinda short (like I said, I got writers block >.< )

~Veronica Ai


Readers Pov

After everyone introduced themselves we all sat around talking for a while until I excused myself and headed off to my room.

When I got to my room I reached out to open the door, but stopped when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Ai.

"Ya?" I asked

"I almost forgot to tell you, but Saotome wanted me to let you know that he wants you to do a singing test tomorrow." He said.

"A singing test?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. Basically what will happen is you and Saotome will go into the recording studio tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. sharp, and you will sing any song you like so Saotome can get a good idea of how well you can sing." Ai explained in a monotone.

"Oh, ok I understand now. Thanks for letting me know." I said

"Sure" he said as he turned around and walked away.

I turned back around, opened my door and walked in. Before I closed the door, I popped my head out and looked up. I smiled seeing my name right below Haruka's.

'It didn't take them that long to put my name up there' I thought, putting my head back in and closing the door.

I went over to my bed and laid down pulling the covers over me.

"Well, I guess I should get some sleep before the test tomorrow" I said as I closed my eyes.





"WHAT AM GONNA SING????!!!!!!!" I yelled as I sat up.

"WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR??!!!!! ..... oh wait, it's just a test I don't have to wear anything special.... BUT WHAT AM I GONNA SING?????!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled.

I sat on my bed rocking back and fourth trying to decide what to sing.

"Oh!! What about... no too flashy... but what about.... no too clingly...."

I stopped rocking back and fourth as I went into deep thought. "Hmm...."

"Oh I know!!!" I yelled. I jumped off my bed and ran to the practice room at full speed.


Syo x Reader Always and Forever [An UtaPri Fanfiction]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin