Chapter 16 - Black Out

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Your Pov

The audience was screaming in fear and I was looking around trying to find any source of light, but there was none. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 
'Alright, calm down. It's gonna be ok' I told myself. I opened my eyes, even though it didn't make any difference.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could, since the mics weren't working. 

"I know you're all scared, but we're going to get the lights fixed as soon as we can!!" I yelled. Some of the audience stopped screaming while the rest kept going. 

'This isn't enough.' I thought. Then I suddenly got an Idea. I closed my eyes again and took another deep breath, and after a few seconds, I opened my eyes and started singing (A/N: Play the video. And, Yes it's a cover and you guys should totally go check out her channel on youtube called XMeiyin She's a totally awesome singer and i've looked up to her for a long time now.)

 ~ Ah... kimi dake ni todoke
kono kaze no oto yo Feeling Heart...

mou nakanakute ii yo sono mama de ii
sora o mite Ah... My Sweetest Love...~

(A/N: Again, not gonna type out all the lyrics)  

After I finished singing I opened my eyes. The lights were still out, but no one was screaming anymore. Instead, it was dead silent as if no one was there at all. 

"Wasn't that Tokiya's song, Nanari No Compass?" Syo whispered from somewhere beside me. 

"Ya, I use to listen to it all the time before I moved here." I replied.

"Oh." Syo said with a hint of Jealousy in his voice.

Then all of a sudden, everyone in the audience started screaming, however this time it wasn't from fear, it was from Joy. 

All I could do was stand there smiling like an idiot until the lights came back on. When they did, Saotome appeared out of nowhere and started yelling into his mic again.

"We are  very sorry about those technical difficulties we just had, but now that that's all fixed, shall we finish the final round?" He asked.

"Ya!!" The audience screamed. 

"Alllllllrighty then. As you all know, the scores are currently tied 32-32. After the red teams performance, I have decided that they did not get the points. Due to the blackout, they didn't get to finish their scene, meaning that they didn't get the points, Resulting in this game ending in a tie. Thank you everyone for coming and thank you to all of our contestants for playing. Sayonara!" And with that Saotome dissapeared and the show ended.

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