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Jeon Jungkook

Its been a week since Taehyung is settled in office and been adjusted to it. We spend our mornings and evenings together. Its been perfect. Now, I have a reason to return home because I know someone is there waiting for me. This is the best feeling in world knowing someone is waiting for you.

Still there is no clue about the person whom Taehyung was sold to. Either they know that he is with me so they backed off or something big is coming my way.

I am not afraid and I'll never be, he is the best thing that has happened to me after Iseul. Life grants you through mysterious ways. Taehyung is biggest example of it and that day choosing to help him was the right thing I did. I smiled to myself thinking that I should talk to him about is being something more but before that I have to meet dad.

"Taehyung, I'll be going home today from office to meet dad."

"Is everything alright?" he asked lifting face up from his plate.

"Yes, I just want to meet him and talk about a few things."I smiled at the way he gets concerned about me.

"Oh okay then. I'll wait for you." he gave me his proud boxy smile.

"No, I won't be able to make it to dinner, you must have dinner and then sleep. I'll might not be coming home tonight."

"Okay hyung." he said in a low voice. I know he didn't like it but I am doing this for him, I smiled internally on my thoughts.


I stepped out of the car it was already eight in the evening. I made my way inside the mansion. I know I haven't stepped here since my island business tour, I had my reasons but now I have some explanationa to do.

My dad, Jeon Jayhun the former CEO of Jeon Group of Companies, is always man of values and believes. Although he was strict with me at young age but he wanted good for me. Since, I have become CEO he appreciates me for my achievements. So, I know asking for his permission on marriage won't be a problem for me.

"Father." I smiled as soon as I saw him.

"Jungkook my son." he smiled me and engulfed me into his arms. "It's been days since I have seen you, you have been eating well." he laughed.

"Yes father you are right, I am regular on my meals now." Well credit goes to Taehyung three times a day he make sure that I eat well.

"Congratulations son, on getting that French deal under your belt." he smiled.

"Thankyou Father. I've been blessed."

"Well, I am very disappointed in you, given what you are doing from past month and a half." I froze at my spot, thinking if he knows about Taehyung or not. His expressions were stern, I gulped heavily.

"Father what did I do?" I questioned.

"You don't know what you are doing?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Father I....."

"You haven't been home, your old man misses you." he chuckled and I released the breath I was hold uptil now.

"I am sorry. I have been busy with alot of things lately, office, meetings, site seeing etc. It is hard for me to come home so far then again leave." I sighed.

"Is that all young man? That's keeping you busy?" he smiled. I guess it's right that parents can see right through you.

"There is something that I want to share with you father." I smiled looking away.

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