68. A Chance

808 35 52

Six Months Later D-day.....

Third Person Pov

Jimin smiled as soon as he saw the sight of his his store. From past eight months this was the best thing that he got to work on. He never new he had it in him to run a business let alone design some of his own design. With the store he was doing a vocational course for fashion designing so he could refine his skills.

People seem to love his own designs. He was thankful for his life. It was like a new life for him and he was cherishing every bit of it. He got to know whatever happened through Seokjin. Video calling each other on weekends was their thing. Although all of it was unfortunate but yet he felt neutral for Taehyung for having his closure.

He was keeping up his promise with Seokjin. Whenever he worked on a new design, he sends his first piece to Seokjin and other was always happy to receive them.

Jimin removed his sunglasses entering the store. He has his assistant, Maria who was a nice lady in her thirties. Now that his store was doing great so, they decided to expand it.

"Good morning Mr. Park." Maria said.

"Morning Maria, how's everything?" he asked.

"We are working on the mass orders that we received for film outfits. We are hopful that they will be forwarded to factory by the end of week." She smiled.

"I hope it all goes fine. This is really big move for the store."

"It will be great, don't worry Mr. Park. Oh, today interviews are also scheduled for the staff for extended wing."

"Alright... Let's hope we find good addition to our team." Jimin said.

"I have only invited, topshelf applicants. I have their resumes, if you want to have a look."

"No, I guess it's fine. I have time today, I might be with you for the interviews." Jimin said taking a sip of his freshly served coffee.

"That's great then, I won't be bore alone." Maria laughed and Jimin too.


"What you think about her?" Maria whispered to Jimin.

"Well, I guess the designs are pretty unique, she doesn't have much experience but she do have talent." Jimin said shuffling papers in file.

"Hmm.... Yes, designs are quite unique, I guess with a bit of reinforcement she will do best in our team of designers." Maria added.

"Ms. Pearl, we will let you know soon. Have a good day." Maria said.

"Have a good day too." the girl shook hands with Jimin and Maria and left the room.

"Well, that went well.... Still we are short on accountant." Jimin massaged his temples.

"We have still a candidate left for that position. Let's hope he is good enough." Maria said and Jimin nooded, looking at the designs of previous candidate.

The door opened and someone entered, "Please introduce yourself." Maria said the cliché line.

The man cleared his throat, "My name is Min Yoongi, Graduate in Finance and Accounting from.........."

Jimin's hand stopped moving, so did his body, listening to the familiar voice and the name. His first thought was that he was hearing things or hallucinating. After a few seconds, he gathered the courage and raised his head. Only to find that, it was real. The man sitting infront of him was real.

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