16. Helpless

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Min Yoongi

I adjusted my sun glasses and glanced at my watch. Although I have canceled all my schedule today to be with her. 29th June, five years ago she was taken from me. I couldn't do anything. Even tho I knew who were her culprits, still I couldn't find anything against them.

I sighed exiting my car, I gestured Felix not to follow me. I want this time to be alone with her. Its only time when I am myself when I am with her. I made my way to graveyard, swaying the bouquet in my hand, liliacs she loved them. I still remember her smile when she glanced at liliacs as if she was granted a new life everytime. Liliacs are here but she is gone. My Iseul is gone.

At her grave I witnessed a presence and I scoffed, I could recognize him from his shadow. Jeon Jungkook. He took away my Iseul from me and couldn't protect her. What made me astonish is he was not alone he had another male with him. He was holding his both wrists into his hands.

My blood boiled seeing him here with someone and by how I judged, this boy can be his new interest, like my Iseul. "Jeon..... Fancy seeing you here and oh you have company too."

He straightened his back like he was caught off guard and turned back shortly, try to stand infront of other male and hiding him behind his broad back. Well, I don't care.

"Mr. Min, I extend my greetings." he said extending his hand forward for a handshake.

That I didn't return and snapped my head to side. "Just do your business and leave." Although I know in past five year he visited Iseul uncountable times maybe more than I did. But I can't bring myself to forgive him that easily when he turned an blind eye on everything.

"Mr. Min everything for me is not a business like you. So choose your words wisely." he spoke with a firm voice.

I could see that male trying to peek from his shoulder. His face was covered with snapback partially and partially with mask.

"Still pretending aren't we?" I smirked at how clueless someone can be.

"Deep down you know that I am not pretending and I never did. I loved her with all my heart and all I have."

"Then why didn't you tried to search her culprit Jeon?" I asked pushing his nerve.

"I did... You know it there was nothing." he raised his voice

"I told you........." I kept my cool, that's what I am good at.

"You were absurd Min Yoongi... You still are." he said grabbing that males arm an walking past me pulling him along.

"I wish Jeon someone would break this illusion of yours." I said loudly without turning. I heard his footsteps halting for a moment then again getting away.

I knelt down infront of her grave and placed the bouquet. "I am sorry Iseul, I know he didn't do anything. I know he loved you truely but he turned his eye off from investigation. I consider him equally responsible of your death. I am sorry, I failed to protect you too. I still regret the day when, I gave you both my blessings.

Somewhere, I might have seen it coming but I trusted him with you. I thought his love would protect you. He and I both failed and you are the one who paid the price. Please forgive your brother Isuel." I said with a whisper. I can't shed tears, I didn't the day after her funeral, it seems like they have dried. I never once cried in five years.

It's not like it doesn't hurt anymore. It still hurts the same but my tears are depleted. I will not cry until I bring my sister the justice she deserves. I sat there talking to her for another hour and then left biding her goodbye and a promise to see her soon.

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