[Winner] Pride Scribe

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Hi ARMY! Thank you to everyone who took the time to participate in our Pride Scribe Contest in celebration of Pride Month this past June.

We are excited to announce the winner of our contest! It's so amazing to be a part of such a beautiful, supportive community.

Sending congratulations and giving recognition to our Pride Scribe Contest Winner MilosNovels! Please check out their entry, "When I Saw You on the Moon: Butterfly," which our judges described as feeling like a fairy tale.

Our judges enjoyed reading each and every entry that was submitted. We appreciate you for sharing your stories with us and look forward to interacting with you in our upcoming contests and events!

Last but not the least, HAPPY ARMY DAY. 

As Kim Namjoon said - "There is no language barrier between you and I. Between BTS and ARMY we are beyond the world."

On the 9th of July BTS named their fans ARMY and since then it has always been a purple world. To celebrate this we've prepared a special gift for you all - use this shash on your Wattpad profile and showcase your love for BTS [its not compulsory]: https://i.imgur.com/JcXiLJE.png


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