Chapter 03 | Do i look like i give a fuck?

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Hiroshi at the end of the chapter ⬆️

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Hiroshi at the end of the chapter ⬆️

So the teacher was suggesting letting the mosquito live? you scoffed inwardly astonished by the fact he was indirectly supporting endemic diseases like Malaria and Dengue.

Obviously it wouldn't have been his intention and you were childish to think such a silly, ridiculous thought but you had to admit you were slightly enraged you were the only one being punished. Maybe just the teacher had some grudge against you or maybe he just didn't like you because as far as you were concerned ,there was nothing so serious to get so upset about a mere disruption. It was normal! Even a slamming of doors or windows during the rain would do the same! Shouldn't he then punish inanimate objects too? 

A moment later , finally realising the stupidness of your imbecilic brain, you halted and cringed. You were definitely taking it too far.But it was sort of reasonable. You were trying to save your skin and ended up saving Katana's instead. You deserved some loathing time. 

You strode through the hallways walking towards the so-called detention class . You were taking your sweet little time daydreaming and overthinking. Maybe you shouldn't have been so cold towards Katana. She may have been a pain in the ass but you were equal to blame. You shouldn't have gotten so worked up. Doesn't matter if you're in not-such-a-good-phase of life , you still shouldn't have taken out your pent-up frustration on someone else. You bit your lip, slightly regretful about the whole ordeal. 

Maybe you should apologise to her. 

While you were contemplating a small make- up apology scenario , you arrived at the detention class and oh my ! You had highly underestimated the number of people troubling the teachers day by day. Detention class was nearly full today as almost half the boys of your neighbouring class 2-B were sitting inside continuously copying texts off the book. 

"Ugh! Why do we have to copy chapter 5 and chapter 6 ten times? They're literally the biggest chapter in the English book! " one guy whined, huffing as if highly displeased. 

" Obviously to teach us a lesson so that we don't forget to do the English homework next time, stupid," another guy scoffed, pointing the pen at him and rolling his eyes. 

"That's alright and all. But the thing is" he drawled before yelling "I DON'T THINK WE CAN COMPLETE IT ALL BY TODAY!  The content is so vast it could even take us all week! " 

"Hell no, we have basketball practice! I can't miss it out because of this shit."another guy growled but at the end of the day, they all continued to write and fill the notebooks with ink, having no other choice to make. You blinked a couple of times before pitying them. Poor guys. You turned and on the other side, sat a few girls who were also copying or completing stuff for other assignments.

"Have you completed writing project number two?" a girl asked peeking into the project paper of another girl sitting behind her. 

"No,actually I'm still on one! If you don't mind, can I borrow your sparkle pens? I need to decorate the title.."

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