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It was the day of the Halloween party, i still had to help putting up decorations with Sid but not till later.
For the time being I was making breakfast for the rest of them like a house wife. I stayed at Corey's again because everyone slept there and they wouldn't let me out of there sight so I had to deal with it..but I wasn't complaining.

--------- later in the day --------

After helping Sid put up all the decorations people started to arrive and before we knew it the place was packed. I ended up being the one that got everybody drinks and cleaning up all of the plates off the floor.

I was giving someone there drink when they pushed it back at me so I spilled it all down my shirt then when I turned round to go to the bathroom someone else threw up all over me.
'Just my luck' I say
I went to the bathroom and took my shirt off and put it in the sink to try wash the sick off.
*knock* *knock* *knock'
'Who is it?'
'It's just Shawn'
'Ok come in'
He comes in and sees me washing my t shirt in the sink.
'What happened'
'A mixture of alcohol and sick'
'Oh lovely, do you have a spare t shirt?'
'No but my jacket will do'
'I don't think it would y/n. Why don't you go get a new one?'
'You coming with me?'
'Y/n you don't need a babysitter'
'I know'
'So go on then'
'Ok' I say zipping up my jacket

I managed to get out the bathroom and out the front door without anyone seeing me. I felt free walking down the road without three guys surrounding me but also a little nervous but for once in a while I got to my house without any interruptions. When I got in I bolted and locked the door and hopped upstairs to get a new t shirt.

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