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'Y/N WHERE ARE YOU?' Jim shouts
'Y/N?' Mick shouts after him
'Listen we'll find them and they will be fine!' Shawn says to try make them feel better.
'Yeah plus she's with Corey' Sid adds
'So' Jim frantically says
'And he'll take good care of her'
'He better' Mick murmurs

We had all got to the the point where we had the campfire. Just as I was about to start shouting again two shadows of people came up the path.
I shon my flashlight at them and realised who they were. I walked over to her and hugged her tightly

----------- y/n pov ------------
Mick came over to me and hugged me
'I was worried about you' he told me
Before I could say anything Jim came over and picked me up.
'What's up with your face?' Jim asked Corey
'I need to speak to you and Mick' he replied
'In private'

----------- there pov -----------

Mick: what do you need to talk to us about?
Corey: what I'm going to tell you isn't nice nor easy to hear from someone else
Jim: wow this got serious
Corey: I'm not fucking about Jim. When I was with y/n she had a panic attack and because she was wearing my jacket I thought she could un-zip it so she didn't get overheated.
Mick: right..and?
Corey: when I un-zipped it her neck had a bruise on it and I'm not talking about a hicky I'm talking about like a hand print bruise
Mick: what
Corey: so I asked her about it when she stopped hyper-ventilating and it took her a while but she told me 'it was fine' but clearly it's not and she won't tell me who did it.
Jim: why didn't she tell us
Mick: especially me
Corey: when I asked her about it she said she didn't want to hurt you
Mick: yeah well it has

----------- y/n pov ------------

I was sat talking to max when two arms picked me up from behind and put me down when I was standing.
It was Mick
He grabbed the jacket and un-zipped, then forcefully moved my head up so he could look at the bruises.
I couldn't answer
'Who did this to you y/n?' He asked but yet again I forgot how to respond
'I SAID WHO' he screamed even making the birds fly up off the trees
Everyone was looking at us so therefore they were all going to know now.
I couldn't feel anything except the tears rolling down my cheeks.
'I'm sorry. I'm so sorry' he says grabbing ahold of me and hugging me
'Who was it y/n?' Jim asked softly
'M..manny' I cried into Micks chest
'I'm going to fucking kill him' mick murmured through his gritted teeth
'Right next to you man' Jim added

A few minutes passed and they were talking about how they were going to all watch horror movies at Corey's apartment.
'I'm gonna go home' I tell them
'Your not. Your not going anywhere without me and everyone by your side' mick told me
'I'm tired mick I just want to go to sleep'
'So go to sleep at the apartment. I'm not letting you out of my sight y/n I'm sorry'
Before I could even respond to him I got picked up princess style by Corey.
'Thought I'd save your legs beautiful. so now you don't have to walk'

Bodyguards  {slipknot}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें