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It was a rainy October morning,
I was sipping on my chilled coffee looking at the rain drops hit the window
'Y/n, Mick breakfast!!' My father shouted from downstairs.
I go downstairs to see 2 pieces of toast on a plate
'Thank you dad'
'It's ok princess, listen I need to talk to you about something'
'Yeah? What is it?'
'A young girl was murdered in dannunbry yesterday and I know you walk through that park after work. I can't risk that so I'll be picking you up ok?'
'Ok dad thankyou but I would be ok' I say reassuring him
'I know you would but its going to be pitch black and sometimes people hide in that darkness and kill innocent people and I can't take the risk of you being one of them'
'Thankyou dad' I say eating the last piece of my toast

My father had to leave for work
'Goodbye my little rocker' he says kissing my head
'Bye dad I love you..and stay safe'
'You too kiddo I love you more' he says closing the door behind him
I start getting ready for school. I put on my Korn t shirt,cargos and doc martens and put my lip balm,pocket knife,eyeliner, concealer and my phone in my pocket and my earphones in my ears with 'paranoid' by black sabbath playing.
I was on time for once..I ran downstairs,grabbed my bag and then I was out the door locking it behind me.
I normally meet Veronica on a morning but she was sick so I was walking by myself until I got a text from manny
'Babe I'm sorry answer me'
I ignored it and carried on walking through the estate until I got pulled into an alley way and pinned up against my throat.
'Why didn't you answer me you bitch' he says tightening his grip
'I didn't see it' I say struggling for breath
'YOU LIAR' he says lifting me further up the wall
'SAY IT' he shouts
'I SAID SAY IT' he demands
'I'm.s..or..ry' I say between breaths
'Good girl' he says letting me drop to the floor and then just walking away.

I was sat there for an hour crying while also trying to catch my breath
*bzzz**bzzzz*..It was dad
    ----------phone call-----------
📞📞 'Hello?' I say wiping my tears away
           'Why aren't you at school.Are you ok? Why    are you out of breath?' He asked 
'Yeah I'm on my way..I was helping an old lady back up after she fell'
'You're a good kid y/n I was just checking. I'll have  
to go I'll see you later '
'See you later, I love you'
'I Love you too'                                         📞📞
I hated lying to him but if he knew what was going on with manny he would kill him or he would get Mick too. So I went to school and went straight to the bathroom to apply concealer over the hand print bruise he had left across my neck. The one from the last time hadn't even started to change colour so it was even harder to cover up.

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