chapter 8

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chapter 8

I WOKE UP TO NOTHINGNESS. I was alone, walking in the heart of darkness and its cold tendrils wrapped around me like a chilling veil. Each step echoed into the abyss, swallowed by the infinite emptiness. I was navigating the unknown, my heart pulsating in the rhythm of anticipation and dread.

This again. I know. I do know. Once again, I am trapped in my recurring dream.

Like the sudden spark of a dying ember, the immense silhouette of the Victorian house materialized before me. As always, it started like a whirlwind of sand particles that slowly took shape. Like on cue, it settled in front of me. It was the same house that had haunted my dreams over and over again. Its jagged, towering form loomed out of the darkness. Its gothic spires pierced the darkness, reaching out to touch the void, while its arched windows stared out like soulless eyes, reflecting the nothingness around me.

The house was an island in the dark sea of nothingness, of course. As I approached, the intricate woodwork of the front door came into view. The smell of damp earth and aged oak wafted towards me, a welcome respite from the sterile scentlessness of the void. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw him. The man who always appears in my dreams. His face was stern, etched with seriousness that was almost palpable. His footsteps echoed ominously as he strode towards me, his coat billowing behind him.

Each step he took was measured and purposeful, like a predator stalking its prey. Then he stopped before me, his piercing gaze holding mine. I felt the weight of his hands on my shoulders, his grip firm yet gentle, grounding me in this surreal reality. Fear washed over me, but I held my tongue. Then, in the eerie silence of the void, his voice cut through like a blade. "Be careful, Prim," he warned, his words carrying a weight that pressed down on my heart. "Please, be careful."

Suddenly, the children ran out of nowhere. They were faceless, their features a blur against the distinct whiteness of their clothes. They moved like apparitions, their forms shifting and wavering as they approached. They gathered behind the man, their blurred faces turned towards me. A shiver ran down my spine as they remained silent, their presence an unspoken threat. Then, the world spun, and reality twisted and turned. Because of the sudden dilemma, I was suddenly jolted awake. My heart was pounding, and my body was covered in a thin sheen of sweat. The digital clock on my bedside table blinked 10:00 AM in bright, white numbers. The sunlight filtering through the blinds painted hues across my room. I remained motionless though, my mind grappling with the remnants of the dream, the warning still echoing in my ears, and the faces of the children imprinted on my mind.

Please be careful.

The void had released me, but the haunting memory of the Victorian house, the man, and the children remained. My dreams had always been a mystery, but never had they felt so real or urgent. The day had just begun, but the shadow of the dream hung over me. My eyelids fluttered open, and for a second, everything was a haze. The last vestiges of my dream clung to me like a cobweb of surreal images and cryptic words that seemed to echo around me.

I then closed my eyes, attempting to shake off the last remnants of the dream. But the man's warning still rang in my ears.

As if on cue, a warm weight landed on my chest, pulling me from my thoughts. I opened my eyes to Ophelia, her green eyes gleaming in the morning light filtering through our threadbare curtains. Her purring was loud and comforting, hushing the silent whispers of my dream. I reached out and ran my fingers through her silky fur, the rhythmic motion easing the tension in my shoulders. With a sigh, I slid out of under Ophelia and rose from the bed, my bare feet hitting the cold wooden floor. A quick glance in the cracked mirror revealed disheveled brown hair and tired eyes. A splash of cold water on my face did little to wash away the shadows of fatigue, but it was enough to propel me forward.

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