chapter 9

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chapter 9

THE MORNING LIGHT SEEPING in through the slits of the blinds was the first thing I noticed the moment I woke up. Ophelia, on the other hand, was still asleep near me. I then blearily opened my eyes and found myself in a room I didn't recognize. Where am I?

The first thing I noticed was an elegant space, filled with polished wooden furniture and soft cream-colored walls. The bed I was in was more comfortable than any I'd slept in before, with a plush mattress and silky sheets that were a far cry from the worn-out bedding back home. But the alienness of it all sent a wave of stark terror coursing through me.

Tears welled up, spilling over and soaking the pillow as the memories came flooding back. The image of my stepfather, his usually jovial face contorted in fear, gasping for breath as if an invisible hand were constricting around his throat. Then the man, dressed in a suit as black as night, stood over us, an emotionless stare etched on his face as he effortlessly lifted my stepfather mid-air. I remembered the sounds Elliot made, the terror in his eyes mirroring my own. Then I sobbed harder, my body heaving with the effort. The pain was raw, like a wound that refused to heal, a reminder of the loss that I had suffered. But as I drew in a shaky breath, readying myself for another wave of tears, I suddenly realized the gravity of my situation. I was alone, in an unfamiliar place, with no idea how I'd ended up here.

Did the men in black capture me? Did Mamori save me? Did the teenagers in white clothes save me?

My heart pounded in my chest, a frantic drum echoing my growing panic. I pushed the covers aside, the cool air hitting my skin as I stepped onto the cold, hard floor. It was an imposing room, filled with unfamiliar pieces of furniture, their polished surfaces reflecting the morning light. There was an air of opulence that hung in the room, an alien contrast to the humble spaces I was used to.

I ventured out of the room, my bare feet padding against the cool marble of the corridor. Everything was unnerving in its unfamiliarity. The long hallway stretched before me, imposing portraits lining the walls, their eyes seeming to follow me as I passed. The eerie silence was punctuated only by the echo of my footsteps, each one amplifying my growing sense of dread. I was on the verge of panicking, the walls closing in on me, when I heard it. A voice familiar in its warmth. "You're awake." I looked back, and I saw the lady last night. Her voice was like a lifeline, anchoring me to reality.

As I turned to face her, the fragmented memories of the previous night began to coalesce. The men in black, in their dark suits, stood out against the moonlit night. And then, the teens in white, their clothes glowing ethereally, had powers emanating from their beings. They had saved us, or at least tried to. And in the chaos, they had taken me here, to this strange place. Was it all just a dream? What the hell happened last night?

As I approached her, I asked, "Who are you?"

The lady then turned, smiling, as my heart continued pounding. I found myself face-to-face with the woman I had seen the night earlier. She was still dressed in a black dress that seemed to absorb the little light in the room, her lipstick a bold slash of red against her pale skin. She's beautiful; there's that.

Suddenly, just as I was about to step closer to the lady, Mamori came into the room. Because of her presence, my chest slowly calmed down. But still, I shook my head as the words tumbled from my lips almost involuntarily, "Where are we?" My voice echoed through the cavernous space, bouncing off the tall stone walls, their surfaces slick with the dampness of a place untouched by sunlight.

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