chapter 17

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chapter 17

THE NEXT DAY CAME. I sat tucked in a corner of the room, my eyes flitting between Ophelia, who was lying on a rug, and Mamori and Lucy, who were huddled at the breakfast table. They both have an uncanny similarity, though. It wasn't just their shared ability to heal with a touch; it was something deeper. I heard them laugh, and I saw Lucy teaching Mamori her ability. It was as though their souls were cut from the same ethereal cloth. Watching them, I felt like an outsider peering into a secret world, one where I was both awed and unnerved.

Unable to bear the intensity of my own thoughts, my gaze slid towards Bryce, who was still cocooned in his slumber, his blissful ignorance written across his peaceful face. His chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm that was hypnotic, his dark lashes fanning out against his cheek, and for a moment, I envied him his peace. It was a world away from the vortex of confusion that was swirling within me.

The memory of Giusseppi's warning about Miss Alice echoed in the back of my mind. A shiver of unease feathered down my spine as I recalled his face and the seriousness in his voice. Now, with the revelation that Augustus and Leo were both Lucy's sons, my world tilted further from its axis. A tangled web of connections and secrets was slowly unfurling, and I was caught in the middle of it, my mind a whirlpool of questions with no answers in sight.

The cabin was filled with the rustling whispers of the morning—the soft crunch of toast, the gentle clink of cutlery, the muted hum of conversation. It was a symphony of normalcy against the backdrop of my spiraling thoughts. I picked at the hem of my shirt, and I started connecting the dots. Or at least try to attempt to.

As the morning matured, Mamori and Lucy continued talking. I didn't pay attention to any of them. I wrestled with my thoughts, yet amidst all the confusion, one thing became clearer with each passing second: I was on the precipice of something. The world within my mind obscured the outside world, rendering me oblivious to my surroundings.

It's been hours since I sat in front of Bryce, trying to find a conclusion to my questions. In the midst of my moment, I noticed Bryce suddenly begin to stir. His brown hair, disheveled from hours of uneasy rest, shifted subtly as he moved. His eyelashes, dark strokes against his pale skin, fluttered open, revealing his hazelnut eyes. He was weak. Yet they were clouded with confusion and pain, a clear difference from their usual nonchalance.

Lucy and Mamori noticed him as they both rushed to his side. Their faces were now painted with concern and anxiety. Mamori's voice then broke the silence, her question hanging heavy in the air.

"Bryce, you are awake," she said. "How are you?"

As he attempted to respond, a wince distorted his handsome features. A hand flew to his forehead, fingers splayed across his skin as if trying to soothe the pain away. His voice, a low rumble, filled the room. "My head still hurts, but otherwise, I'm... okay."

Despite his reassuring words, the grimace that remained etched on his face told a different story. His gaze, clouded with remnants of a bad dream, met Mamori's. The room, once filled with quiet tension, now seemed to echo with his chilling words.

"What happened, by the way? "Mamori asked. "Before you became unconscious."

Bryce stood up from the couch, wincing. I assisted him as he groaned in pain. Sure, he did lie just to cover his pain. But he's an awful liar.

"I tried using my gift to locate Primrose because something told me that she's nearby when we were out both in the forest, you know. The attack from the man in black who ambushed us along the way didn't make me slip from my consciousness. However, the moment I was able to locate Prim, I sensed a weird energy emanating from her. Around her, I guess? I don't know. And then something—or someone—entered my mind right after Primrose saw us both. I tried resisting it, but that entity won. In the process, I lost. Everything went black, and I feel this intense pain coursing through me," he recalled.

I looked at Mamori and then Lucy. They both seemed to be so confused as to what Bryce was saying. I mean, maybe there was another gift? Or maybe Bryce wasn't able to control his power? Whatever it was, I'm just relieved to see him recovering.

"I also had a dream while I was sleeping," Bryce added, his voice barely more than a whisper. "I saw Primrose talking to a strange man. I saw him take her away. And she's... upset. I don't know why. Primrose left Miss Alice's home, leaving us behind. And I see it in her face. I see pain, suffering, and confusion. I know it was just a dream, but it felt real. It felt so real."

His words hung in the air like a chilling fog. The mere thought of me leaving filled me with a sense of dread I couldn't begin to comprehend. As if on cue, my feet moved in his direction, the wooden floor cooling beneath my bare soles.

As I neared him, his gaze shifted, landing on me. His once cloudy eyes now held a hint of recognition—a spark that seemed to ignite the room. His lips parted as if to speak, but no words came out. Instead, his eyes spoke volumes, creating a silent conversation between us.

The atmosphere in the room had shifted once again, leaving us enveloped in a silence that seemed to scream out our uncertainties. And yes, I know that I shouldn't bother, but for some reason, I comforted him.

As the words left my lips, a sense of relief washed over me. "Bryce," I said, my voice barely more than a whisper, "you don't need to worry. I'm safe."

I watched as the tension seemed to drain away from his broad shoulders. His eyes, a captivating mix of hazelnut brown and gold, softened, and a sigh of relief escaped him. His lips curled into a smile that was both gentle and sincere, instantly making the dim cabin we were in feel warmer.

He turned his gaze to Mamori, a question forming on his lips. "Where are we?" he asked, his voice echoing off the wooden walls. Lucy, who had been standing quietly by the corner, inched closer, handing him a glass of water. As she stepped closer, the dim light of the cabin caught on her silver hair, making it gleam like the moonlight.

With a slight nod from Mamori, the old woman was introduced. "Bryce, this is Lucy," Mamori began. She gestured toward the cabin around us. "She's the one who helped us. She lets us stay here in her cabin until you can fully recover."

Lucy was a slight woman, with a face weathered by time. But despite her frail appearance, there was an air of strength about her—an unyielding resilience that was both palpable and inspiring. Mamori leaned closer to Bryce, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "She's a gifted being like us."

Bryce smiled upon hearing Mamori, his eyes reflecting his intrigue. "It's nice meeting you, Lucy," he said, his voice warm and inviting. He then asked her, his gaze sweeping over the simple furnishings of the cabin, "Do you live here all by yourself?"

At his question, Lucy's eyes softened, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "I live with my son," she began, her voice tinged with pride. "However, he is out in town. He works as a public enforcer. But he'll be home soon."

Bryce nodded, a look of approval crossing his features.

His gaze drifted back towards me, his eyes meeting mine. There was a depth in his gaze that made my heart flutter. "Hey," he called, his voice soft and full of relief. "I'm just glad to see you're safe." His words filled the cabin, wrapping around me like a comforting blanket. I watched him, my heart pounding in my chest, as the reality of our situation began to sink in.

We were safe for now. The dangers we had fled from seemed to be at bay, hidden behind the darkness outside Lucy's cabin. But in the glow of the cabin's light, with Bryce's relieved smile and Lucy's comforting presence, I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of hope. We were not alone. We were not helpless. However, there was something about the revelations that seemed to tangle me in a web of confusion.

Tale of the Gifted BeingsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora