Chapter 17: The New Trio

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Harry was still sulking. To be fair to him, he had every right to be. His best friends, closer than his Slytherin ones, had just left him. That and his duel with Malfoy was lackluster. He had expected better from a 'pure blood' wizard. Malfoy had bragged about the fact that he was perfect, the strongest. Harry scoffed. Screw him, and Ron and Hermione. Since when did he need them?

Harry swung open the door from his dorm into the common room. He breathed out and put on an emotionless mask that he had practicing. After reading some books, he thought he should be able to know occlumency. Entering the common room, he was met with his friends.

"Where're you going?" Theo asked.

"I don't know, I got to go somewhere." Harry lied.

He knew perfectly well where he was going. Harry was going to investigate. After the recent petrification, Harry—being the hero—decided to do something about it. Clearly, the failure of Lockhart, wouldn't do.

"Can we come?" Blaise asked.

Harry bit his lip. "No."

He wanted them to come but he wanted to do this by himself. Theo didn't seem to accept this. As Harry turned and walked away, they followed.

Harry turned around.

"You're not coming," Harry said.

"We're your friends," Blaise said, "You're not going anywhere without us."

Harry sighed, "Fine."

Theo grinned. The three of them left the common room.

"What are we looking for?" Theo asked.

"The Chamber of Secrets," Harry replied.

"...what?" Blaise blanked.

"I know. But I don't want to school to shut down." Harry reasoned.

"Where are you all going?" a cold voice said from behind them.

The Trio turned around. Behind them was an icy blondie.

"Potter, Nott, and Zabini. Sneaking around?" she raised an eyebrow.

"Greengrass, leave us." Theo shook his head.

"If you are trying to lose us house points..." Greengrass narrowed her eyes.

"I think, knowing Dumbledore, I'd gain points," Harry said, logically.

Greengrass stared blankly at him. "Where are you going?"

"None of your business."

Harry turned around and walked away.

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