Chapter 11: End of Year 1

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Harry sat with the rest of the Slytherins at their table, eating at the final dinner feast. Across from Blaise and next to Theo. They were joyously chatting away as they feasted on the food that was given to them. Harry looked up as Dumbledore stood up. He opened his arms with a smile.

"It is that time of year. The final dinner of the school year. Now, it is clear who won the house cup, that being Slytherin. However, I have a few last-minute points to give." Dumbledore said.

Every student stared up at the headmaster. Especially, the Slytherins. Harry heard the murmurs about how Dumbledore was going to rig the points.

"First, I must give 50 points to Ron Weasley's great wizard's chess playing skills. Secondly, I must give 50 points to Hermione Granger for her quick thinking and cleverness. Lastly, I must give 60 points to Harry Potter for their great bravery and for stepping in to save the school." Dumbledore awarded. "I believe Slytherin still wins at 532 points! Gryfindor has 472 points in second place, Hufflepuff has 450 points, and Ravenclaw at last place with 432 points."

Dumbledore clapped and sat down. Slytherins cheered as they threw up their pointed hats. This was one of the times they lost all composure, they had openly celebrated. Some had even patted Harry on the back. Harry looked up and saw Hermione and Ron looking at him with small smiles on their faces. Harry sent them a small smile back.

Perhaps, next year won't be as terrifying. Harry Potter thought.

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