Chapter 1: The Boy Who Lived

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The sky was mostly cloud free, aside from the occasional white cumulus. The birds were chirping from the tall trees. Railroad tracks were expertly place that went along with the terrain. A red train bustled by, and it is on that very train that a certain boy sat with another one. One had black hair and green eyes, tanned skin and a scar on his forehead. The other had bright red hair, freckles and blue eyes. He was pale. The two boys were certainly in a conversation about Harry Potter.

"You're Harry Potter!" The boy with the red hair exclaims excitedly.

"Yeah..." Harry Potter said, uncomfortable.

"Can I..." Ron trailed off.

"Can you what?" Harry asked, confused.

"See the scar?" Ron whispered, like it was a massive secret, completely switching from the loud and obnoxious tone he took when he found out.

"Sure." Harry moved his long hair to the side, exposing the lightning shape over the left side of his forehead.

Ron's eyes widened and Harry rolled his eyes. He didn't really understand his fame. Sure he may have stopped a dark lord, and ended a brutal war. He doubted a one year old could defeat a powerful dark lord such as Voldemort. The door to their compartment slammed open, startling the both of them. A boy with blond hair and grey eyes. Harry had vaguely remember that face from a store in Diagon Alley.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ron scowled.

"Shut up, Weasley. You should respect your superior. Anyway, Potter, you shouldn't be friends with that fool. I can help adjust to the real world, I can be your real friend." Malfoy held out his hand.

Harry stared at him, his lips pressed together. He was thinking it over in his head before coming to an answer.

"I'm sorry, Malfoy, but I will have to decline your offer of friendship." Harry offered a fake smile, in hopes of not making an enemy.

"You'll regret that, Potter." Malfoy sneered and exited.

Harry, instantly, knew this was going to be a long year. Ron was shaking his head.

"Don't trust him, he's a dark wizard, just like his father." Ron said, letting his hatred seep through his words.

Harry was unsure of the reason of the hostility toward such a boy. He got it, Malfoy was unlikeable and rude but did that make him a dark wizard? Harry ignored the topic of Malfoy.

"Slytherin are terrible and evil. That is the worse house at Hogwarts." Ron added.


"There are four houses, Harry. Gryffindor, the best house and home of the brave and strong, and the house of Dumbledore. Ravenclaw, an average house for bookworms and nerds. Hufflepuff, it is a unless house, no one really cares and they are a bunch of pushovers. Slytherin, a house for the cowardly and evil, home of the dark wizards." Ron explained, the look of disgust return by the end of his explanation. "Want to see a spell?"

Harry nodded, actually excited. "Do it."

But before he could, someone opened the compartment door again. This time much more softly but still aggressive. When the two boys turned their heads to the doors, annoyed. A bushy haired girl stared at them, she held her head high. Her brown eyes gleamed proudly. Harry sighed out loud. He had a feeling she would be a snobbish fool.

"Have any of you found a toad? A boy named Neville lost one." The girl asked. "I'm Hermione Granger."

When the boys shook their heads, she asked a question again, "Are you doing magic?"

She plopped herself right next to Ron, disrupting Ron's space. She waited for Ron to do a spell. Ron, under pressure, attempt a spell that his brothers had taught him.

"Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow." Ron said.

Unfortunately for the boy, it was an embarrassing moment as nothing had happened. The rat didn't even make a sound.

"Are you sure that's a spell? Here look, Reparo." Hermione pointed at Harry in between his eyes.

Harry didn't know she had taken out her wand, and was a little tense but all the tension disappeared when Harry's glasses fixed themselves.

"Thanks." Harry said.

Hermione smiled pridefully. "Anyway, we will arrive at Hogwarts soon, I suggest we change."

Hermione left the compartment.

"A no-good know it all." Ron muttered

Harry had to agree with that statement.

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