Chapter 12: The Return To Hogwarts

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When Harry entered a compartment, he had hoped to have no interruptions — aside for his friends. He didn't want anyone —aside from his friends — entering the compartment. But alas, you can't get everything you want. Harry was attempting to read a book but it was hard with multiple interruptions. The first few were from his friends such as Theo and Blaise; who had joined the compartment. Ron and Hermione, who had gone to another because of the other Slytherins. Despite being friends with a Slytherin, they were still wary and cautious around them. But that was the end of the welcomed interruptions.

After hearing the cabin door slam open, Harry looked up. He was not pleased with who he saw. Malfoy stood in the way of the sliding door, sneering. Harry and his friends looked rather annoyed.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry spat.

Malfoy sneered deepened. "You're not a true Slytherin."

"Funny, you think you can determine that." Harry mockingly laughed in the face of Draco Malfoy.

Malfoy growled at the mockery. "You'll regret that, Potter."


Malfoy turned away and stomped away. His two goons followed behind him like lost puppies. Harry got up and closed the compartment door. He sat down and closed his eyes.

"If there is one more interruption, I will flip." Harry groaned, while his friend laughed.

Harry was serious, he would all the knowledge he had learned from the first year to harm a student.


Harry followed the crowd when they got off the train. He had no idea where he was going and Hagrid didn't even tell them. That seemed to be a common trait with the half-giant. He had forgotten to tell Harry how to get on the train in the first year and now where the non-first years go. But still, Harry considered him a distant friend. He made his way to the carriages like everyone else with his friends. They got into an empty carriage and they sat and talked with each other. They all had a fun time riding on mysteriously pulled carriages to the castle of Hogwarts.

But after a time, Harry had gone quiet, and his mind wandered. It went back to the warning from Dobby. Harry was concerned for the school's safety and his curiosity was aflame. He wanted to know what the mystery was.


Harry jolted. "What?"

"What were you thinking about?" Theo asked.

"Nothing major." Harry lied.

"Now, don't lie to us. We're your friends." Blaise pressured.

"Oh look, we're at Hogwarts. Let's get out." Harry dodged the question.

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