Fuyumi Todoroki Hanging Out With Akihito Mura

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Fuyumi Todoroki POV:

I was just reading my books to learn more about the lesson I'm gonna teach my students tomorrow since it was Sunday already. I heard my phone buzzing, I look to see where my phone is at. It was right on my bed. I got up from my chair and grabbed my phone. I look to see Akihito calling me!

I was excited, it's been about two weeks since we met each other in person. I tab the accept button and waited until I heard Akihito voice on the other side.

"Hello?" Akihito asked.

"Hey!" I greeted him.

"Hey! How are you?" He asked.

"Good! How about you?" I asked back.

"Good as well!" Akihito said.

"So, how come you called me?" I asked wanting know why he called me.

"Oh! I wanted to see if your free to hang out with me, I want to show you my baseball skills!" Akihito said with a cheerful voice.

"Oh...." I look back to see my book that I had to read today. I could do it later, it won't take that long, right? I thought, as I put my focus back on the phone call I'm having with Akihito. "Yeah I'm totally free!" I told him, as I hear a happy sigh on the other side.

"Nice! I'll be at this place called 'BaseBall Monsters' It's not far, just walk two blocks and you'll see a sign that says the name of the place I told you I'll be at." Akihito instructed me, as I nodded with a smile on my face. 

"Okay, I'll be there in six minutes!" I told Akihito, as he hummed in agreement.

"Alright, I'll see you than!" Akihito said.

"Yeah I'll see you soon!" I said back.

"Bye!" Akihito said.

"Bye!" I said, as I hung up first.

I started to get changed into a sporty outfit. I grab my bag and was about to leave, until I heard Dad.

"Where are you going Fuyumi?" Dad asked me, as I looked at him nervously.

"Just hanging out with a friend is all." I told Dad.

"Shouldn't you be reading that book your suppose to read today?" Dad asked me in curiosity, as to why I'm leaving the house in a rush.

"I'll read it tonight." I told him.

"If your sure you know what your doing, then I'll let you go, stay safe and call me once your done hanging out with your friend." Dad instructed me, as I nodded.

"Bye Dad!" I told him, and shut the door, tightly. I knew it was rude to not wait for someone to say it back, but I promised Akihito I'll be there in six minutes it's almost been four minutes! I don't have much time!

I ran to the place that Akihito told me about, it took about two minutes to be there which would be five minutes now. I reached the destination, I entered the area. I was looking for Akihito, but it didn't take long to see him waving at my direction while calling me over. I smiled and walk up towards him.

"Hey! You made it, just in time too!" Akihito said, as he look at the time to see it had already been six minutes.

I sighed in relief. I look at the area, there were these wired cages that have baseballs and baseball-bats in them, with a ball simulator ready to activate at any moment. This was definitely weird, but I wanted to try this out.

"I'm glad your here, ready to play ball?!" Akihito asked, as I nodded with a smile. "Alright, let's go!" He said, as we walk in the wired cage.

"Right!" I said, as I walk in after him.

"Do you wanna go first?" Akihito asked, as he lended a base ball bat towards me.

"Uh, sure!" I said, as I grab the baseball bat and got use to the baseball bat.

"Okay, ready?" He asked me, as I nodded with a smile. "Alright, the simulator will start now!" Akihito warned me, as if on cue a ball sped towards me. I tried swinging it, but I failed by missing it. All of a sudden, it started speeding up, the balls were going everywhere. I panicked and tried avoiding them. One baseball was coming towards me but this time to my face. I got scared that I froze in place, I watch as the baseball was seven centimeters away from me. I was about to try to avoid the ball, until I saw one hand gripping the baseball in its hand. I look up to see the hand belonged to Akihito. He looked panicked.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, as he dropped the ball.

"Yeah I'm okay, what about you? Are you hurt? it seemed that it hurt you when you caught the ball." I asked him, with a look of worry on my face.

"Don't worry, I'm use to catching balls like these for my team mates. It only ached a bit. until it faded away, so, don't worry about me, okay?" Akihito reassured me, as I nodded with a smile on my face. "So, how about I teach you how to swing the ball in time." Akihito told me.

"Yeah, I would prefer that." I told him, as he nodded with a smile.

He went behind me and positioned both us in a position together. He grabbed the baseball bat with me.

"Alright, so just swing and swoosh." Akihito instructed me behind my ear, as I started getting flustered from him being behind me and talking to me behind my ear.

"O-Okay!" I said to him, as I did what I was told by Akihito.

The simulator started, I panicked a bit.

"Don't worry I'm right here, so don't panic, okay?" Akihito reassured me, as I calmed down and nodded towards him.

I look at the simulator with a determine look on my face. I was ready for anything. The baseball flung out towards me and Akihito direction. It was twelve centimeters away from us. I use this time to flung the baseball bat. I swing my baseball bat. Please work! I thought, desperately, as I swooshed my baseball bat at the ball, when I saw the baseball bat hit the baseball, I was in shock, I hit it! I thought, as I saw the baseball flying through the air and out of my sight.

"I-I did it!" I said out loud. " I actually did it!" I said enthusiastically, as I jumped up and down in victory.

"Yeah, you did it!" Akihito said, as he looked at me with proudness in his eyes.

"Thank you so much!" I said, as I ran up to him and hugged him without realizing it.

I soon realized I hugged him out of nowhere. I was panicking, what if he didn't feel uncomfortable to hug me right now? I thought, but that thought soon flew out of my head, as I see Akihito hugging me back.

"Your welcome!" Akihito said, cheerfully, as he looked happy to hug me.

We both separated, "Ready to do more?!" He asked, as I nodded towards him.

"Yeah!" I said, as me and him kept hitting baseballs left to right on our own. We had a blast but the fun time had to end, as it started to get dark. We both walked out of there with happy looks on our faces.

"Thanks for joining me today, really I'm really happy you came." He thanked me, as he gave me a warm smile.

"Of course, anytime!" I told him, as I smiled towards him as well.

We both walked to my place, we both said goodbye. And we both left, for him to go back home on his own and for me to go inside my house.

Thankfully, I called Dad after we were done so he left the door unlocked for me. I opened it and than I locked it. I didn't see anyone so I going to assume they went to bed. I turned off the lights they left in the house. I went into my room and laid on my bed.

I was about to go to sleep, until I remembered I had to read that book tonight before tomorrow. I got up and started studying the lesson I'm going to teach my students. Even though I may had to stay up for four hours that night, it didn't change the fact I had fun today.

Fuyumi Todoroki x OC Male One Shots Where stories live. Discover now