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Narrator POV

„Mama!!" Quinn and Chase cheered while Lizzie got out of the car with some takeout food.
She didn't want to come empty handed since she can't bring their mother back home.

Beth walked out right behind them and by the change of her expression Lizzie knew that she realized that her best friend has been send to prison.

„Where is mom? I thought you both were out together?" Quinn asked while Chase was busy with looking into Lizzie's takeout bag.

„I'll tell you that after we had dinner okay. Come on let's go inside." she told him while they kept on walking in.

„I thought you had a plan B to get her out? What happened?" Beth asked her tensed while she followed them back in to close the door behind her.

„It didn't work with him. He didn't even show up to hear her trial like i asked him to. He was my only chance. Beth. I am scared for her."

„So am I. But Nora isn't that easy to crack you know that." Beth encouraged Lizzie while they started to unpack the warm food.

„Did you both wash your hands?" Lizzie asked as Chase and Quinn wanted to sit down on the opposite side of them.

„Go. Now!" was everything Lizzie had to add as she was met with silence which was their way of saying no. They jacked off and ran upstairs to the bathroom to wash their hands while Lizzie did it in the kitchen sink.

„They told me I can go and visit her in two days.
I will take care of everything here. Ruby told me that she is handling to bail Nora out of it. We believe that the judge and jury has been corrupted. If that is true and we can prove it we will be able to get Nora out until there will be another trial without someone who is corrupted."

„Okay that sounds good. But we can't get her out earlier while Ruby is doing the investigation and trial thing?"

„I don't know. I mean she just got into prison.
I don't think it's that easy. But she is trying everything in her power to get her out of it so she can be home."

„Okay. I see you've come back from washing your hands. Here you go. Dinner for the both of you. Enjoy and sorry that I couldn't cook for you today. I'll do it tomorrow."

„It's okay mama. Thanks anyways." Quinn replied while stuffing his mouth with noodles.

„Where are your manners my boy?" Lizzie raised a brow at him and he gave her an innocent smile while having a noodle stick out of his mouth.
This made everyone laugh because he looked so silly.

„Mom told us we would start to finish the tree house. Will you help us as well?" Chase asked
after she swallowed her food.

„I will help you wherever I can sweetheart.
Although I am not that good at chopping wood and building things. You both know that gardening is more my area. But I'll help wherever I can."

„We did the sketch already and we have the perfect tree too. We can show it to you later if you want."

„I wanna take my time with and look at the tree while seeing the sketch. It's already dark outside. Why don't we do it tomorrow love hm?"

„Okay cool." she added and kept on eating from her plate.

„Mama wanna hear something funny?" Chase asked her after a couple of minutes and she looked up from her plate to give Chase her full attention.

„Tell me. What is it?" Lizzie asked as she chewed her food.

„We played catch in sports class today and Quinn lost." Chase began to laugh while she pointed at Quinn who was just sitting there and rolling his eyes because of this comment.

„and he fell down too. He was so distracted by-."

„I was distracted by the clock. I wanted to know what time it is." he finished her sentence as he held his hand in front of his sisters mouth so she would shut it.
But Chase kept on talking even though no one could understand her.

„Ouch!! Hey you bit my hand!!" he rubbed his inner palm after he pulled his hand away from her.

„Not my fault when you put your hand on my mouth!" she replied and he stretched his tongue out.

„Anyways. Quinn was distracted because he was-."

„Chase! Shut up!"

„Hey Quinn no cursing under my roof. It's not nice to tell Chase to shut up."

„I don't want her to keep on talking." he argued with Lizzie.

„He just doesn't want to let everyone know that he had a crush on Tessa!"

„I don't ! She's making it up mama!"
He became red around the nose and Lizzie couldn't help but to grin wide but she was trying to hide it while holding her hand up in front of her mouth.

„If that makes you sleep at night. I know it's true.
I have eyes."

„Looks like you need new glasses then because they don't work as they should." he roasted her and she became silent.

„Okay I think you both have said enough. Why don't we calm down and talk it out normally."

„I am not hungry anymore." Chase put down her fork and crossed her arms.

„Quinn apologize. You see how hurt Chase is."
Lizzie pointed between them with the fork.

„But mama! She started it!! She should apologize."

„But you hurt her too."

„I am sorry for being so rude because you started it." he gave this half-hearted apology and Lizzie rubbed her temple on how stubborn he is.

„And I am sorry for exposing you the way I did,
I just wanted to share this with mama." she added after a moment of silence and then they hugged each other shortly.

„Y'know it might be off topic. But every since I saw you teach in our class I could picture you with kids." Beth commented from the side while she sipped on her wine.

„How so?" Lizzie asked her curiously.

„I don't know you just had a hint of mom vibes behind that stern and bossy wall you showed us.
I am glad that you are falling into that mother role. It suits you perfectly." she added and Lizzie couldn't help herself but to smile wide at this comment.


A/n: a birthday gift from me too y'all

Been thinking on closing this fourth book up and maybe I was planning on doing a fifth part which sounds absolutely insane cause I never thought that I'd come that far... cause the opportunity is good to cut It in the next following chapter(s) (idk)

But I'll let you all know what my next move will be!

Stay tuned
Until next time

Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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