Lots of arguing

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Narrator POV

„Okay I still need to understand it. You drove your car into the ocean to fake your death?" Ruby asked Nora while she was typing things down.

„Yes. Well technically I wasn't in the car when it crashed into the ocean. I drove, put a brick on the Gaspedal and jumped out. It was in the middle of the night so no one saw me."

„You and Beth really planned it out huh."

„Indeed. We had to make it in a way where they wouldn't find my body. So they'd have to bury an empty coffin."

„That's clever. Cause you wouldn't be able to replace yourself if they would do an autopsy on the dead body."

„Exactly. Beth and I used to enjoy true crime documentary's. We watched them just for fun or heard some podcasts while we spend some time together. So faking it all was relatively easy."

„Okay after that how did go on for you? I mean you cut yourself off from yourself life."

„I knew I wasn't able to live my old life. Even if I would have staid. I found out that I was pregnant and I was so far into pregnancy that I couldn't do an abortion. So I carried them. I thought about giving them away because of the conditions.
Every day I had to fight with the thought of having Victors kids and it made me physically uncomfortable."

„I totally get that. But how come you've decided otherwise?" she asked her.

„When I saw my first ultrasound photo of them something in my heart start to change. But when I held them in my arms for the first time I knew I couldn't give them away. I always told myself I would raise my kids differently than I got treated. I would love them unconditionally and that would also mean that I would keep them."

„That is really brave for you to do. I would totally understand if you would have given them away."

„Yeah but I couldn't live a day knowing that they will grow up without knowing who I am and without getting to know my story. I wouldn't sleep peacefully knowing that they've become kids for the adoptive/foster care system."

„And you did all of this on your own?" Ruby asked as she looked around in the house that was tainted with warm sunlight. It was clearly visible that kids would live here. Some balls laid around on the floor just we some plushy pets did.

„Yes. I had Beth with me. She was my biggest and only support system and I wouldn't know what to do if I wouldn't have had her with me."

„Honestly that is amazing that you had her with you on this tough journey."

„It really is yeah."

„Do you hear the car outside as well? Are you expecting anyone?" she asked Nora as she pointed behind her.

„My kids are the only ones I expect. Beth should be the one bringing them home."
Nora answered as she grabbed her crutches to go look who is coming.

„And here they are my little school kids." Nora greeted them as they ran up to hug her.

„Ohh somebody missed me today. Hey buddy. Hi sweetie. How was school today?" Nora asked as she crutched down to kiss them on the head.

„We always miss you mom." Quinn told her and she pouted her lips.

„School was okay." Chase replied monoton and Nora knew instantly that something was wrong but she didn't want to ask immediately.

„alright. Go inside and wash your hands so we can make some dinner together."
She stepped aside and they ran in.

„Hey. Didn't expect you to bring my kids home. Where is Beth?" Nora asked Scar who was standing on the porch.

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