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Nora POV

„How did it go?" scar asked loudly as she covered her eyes from the bright sunlight. She was leaning against the car and waited for me to hop in.

„You should have seen her face scar this was priceless. The principal was on my side and he dragged her just as much as I did. It was hilarious."
I told her in excitement and she laughed as she got into the car.

„You know what this reminds me off? That day back in college when you punched that girl because she was disrespecting you so much. Remember that?" she asked as I sat down next to her.

„Oh my god yes! It was Elle. She really deserved it. But I found it kinda funny that you were running after me."

„Remember I was your coach during that time. I was an authority figure and I had to chase after you. Imagine the rumors that would fly around campus if they saw me just standing there watching you drag her across the floor." she joked and I couldn't help but to laugh even harder.

„Your right. It would've been suspicious honestly."
I added as my laugh died off slowly.

„Wanna get that call?" she asked me as she pointed behind her where my phone was laying.

„I guess good moments never last." I answered as I leaned over to grab my phone. I didn't know the number but I picked up anyways.


„Hi, Is this Nora?" I heard an unfamiliar female voice.

„Depends on who is asking." I answered and scar looked at me questioning but I shrugged my shoulders.

„Saint Marie hospital here I am nurse Bethany. It says that you've been an emergency number so we called you right away." I felt how my throat became tight and dry within seconds as I heard the words hospital and emergency.

„Scar!! Drive to the Saint Marie hospital now!"
I hissed at her without even knowing who is there.  But she started the engine and drove off without questioning anything at first.

„Who is it? Who is injured?" I asked hysterically having a feeling that I know deep down who its is. My words were fragile. Shaky. Almost broken.

„The ID we found in her car says Professor Elizabeth..." a tinnitus in my head started to overtake and I wasn't hearing anything at first as if I collided with something or as if a bomb just exploded right in front of me.
My hand reached out to grasp Scars lower am tight. My knuckles were hurting from the punch I just gave earlier but this was the only physical type of pain I felt right now compared to my mental pain.

„Is she okay? Is she fine? What happened?"
I asked as I started to hear a bit clearer now.

„We are waiting for her to wake up. Her car came off from the road last night and she hit a tree. We don't know what triggered her reaction to drive the car into that direction but we believe it might have been a wild animal that was standing in the middle of the road. We are sorry."
They are waiting for her to wake up but all I can think and hope is, when I will wake up from this nightmare. This must be a terrible terrible dream.

„I will be there in 5 minutes. Can I go in and see her as soon as I am there?" I asked.

„Of course you can miss. We will be waiting for your arrival." she answered and hung up the call.
I let the phone fall down onto my lap in shock.

„Nora?? Who is it? What happened? Who was on the phone?" scar asked and she pulled me out of my zoned out state of mind.

„It's Liz. Sh-she had a c-car accident. Last night..."
I answered perplexed. This was why I wasn't sleeping last night. This was why I felt such a restlessness. I felt her. She kept me up and I didn't even consider to call her.

„Oh my god. Is she okay?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I am not sure. I don't think so. Scar..." my lips began to quiver and I was trying to swallow down my tears but regardless of how hard I tried it didn't work. I couldn't hold them back.

Silence surrounded us but the only thing we heard was the radio playing chasing cars. For god sake I can't hear that song now. That isn't helping at all. So I turned the radio off and it didn't take us minutes until we reached the hospital. We didn't say anything to each and that probably because we didn't know what to say or do.

I gave zero fucks about the fact that I still need my crutches. I didn't run I was sprinting not giving a damn about my pain.

Lizzie POV

„Where is she? I need to see her!!" I heard a familiar voice appeared down the hallway.

„She's been in a car accident. Lizzie Olsen. I need to see her now! I need to know that she's fine. Please."
Was added and it became more hectic and louder.
I was regaining my consciousness but I didn't want to open my eyes yet. A strange feeling told me to stay like this for a moment.

„She should wake up any time soon." a nurse answered as I heard two pair of legs walk up to me until they stopped.

„Fuck what have you gotten yourself into."
This was definitely scar mumbling with tears in her voice.

„I'll give you two some space. I'll be outside with the nurse asking her some questions." scar added after some silence.

„I know you probably don't even want me to be here... but I got a call a-and. It says that you've taken my number as an emergency person.
I've been confused for a long long time. But now I feel like I can see miles ahead so clear that I know there is no one else like you." she cried out.

„But that doesn't matter anymore. Because I told you to leave and I am still mad at your for what has been said and done. I called.. and I need you and saying for a fact „I need you" is extremely hard for me. But I did and I got nothing in return.
So...maybe one day... things will turn out good for me, but maybe not with you... or maybe not at all. Maybe I don't deserve to be loved."


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