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Nora POV

„I've been wanting to talk to you both about that. Your daughter has been bullied indeed."
He stated.

„Let me guess. It was her kids who have been doing it right? Why haven't you told me before?" I asked furiously.

„You were in a coma. I've had Professor Olsen appear in my office once before but I wasn't sure how your relationship was with her so I held back on calling her in. I am sure she was busy at that time to. With being a professor it must be hard to have to kids to take care off. Besides. She is just as intimidating as you are right now." he replied apologetic with a slight hint of fear in his voice.

„But regardless of the fact that I didn't call. I found out who broke your daughters glasses which happened months ago."

„Sierra and Stacy did it." he added as he glared at Sabrina with crossed arms. Oh how I wanted to rip those extensions out of her head to choke her with them but I gave her a broken nose already so I held back. For now..

„You are a fu-." the principal coughed. He really is serious about those rules.

„Sorry. You are a ducking ducked up person and I ducking hate you."  I yelled and they looked at me in such a serious way as if I was really cussing.

„Is she being serious right now?" she asked as she pointed at me while looking at the principal.

„She's not breaking the rules so she is doing great. Keep on going Misses Lewis." He encouraged me.

„So duck you. Duck your life and most importantly duck your kids and on how you raised them. I don't want you to pay for my girls glasses. But your kids need serious help since they are the bully which means that they usually have the biggest insecurity's and problems."

„Okay. This is ridiculous. She's the one who has the most problems around here. So it's obvious that her kid is an easy and weak target. It's not my fault that she gets bullied if she lets herself get bullied then it's her fault."
And this was my last straw.

„Y'know why don't I give you a blue eye to that broken nose maybe then you'll understand some shit-." I yelled as I got up to fight her again but the principal leaned forward to stop us both from fighting.

„Hey hey hey hey!! Ladys stop it now!!" he yelled.

„You both are acting like animals. I have a solution to offer." he announced and we both pulled our attention to him.

„I will suspend your daughters for three weeks due to bullying."

„This is all?" I asked furiously.

„No I wasn't done." he added.

„The suspension plus they have to attend to the school therapist teacher. They are banned from all fun activities and they have to help clean the yard. Misses Lewis I can't do more. The girls are in the fourth grade which means they will leave the school soon."

„And what if it will happen again?"
I asked worried.

„Then they will be suspended again and again and again. Until they will learn their lesson. But I believe that they will change from their first punishment already."

„Let's hope that." I answered and leaned back.

„What about me now? Are you gonna let her walk away from breaking my nose?" she asked as her voice was tainted in pain. Which I enjoy deep down but I still had to hide my joy.

„As I can see on my computer. The security cameras show that you've slapped her first."

„But she punched me with the car-."

„Eh no! Sir she was just standing in the way. So it's not my problem when she stands there and blocks my way."

„She's right. I would suggest for the both of you to stop this war. It's for the better."

„Sir if she doesn't get punished i will tell my husband to stop sponsoring this school."

„It is really low of you to try to threaten me."
He said as he emphasized the word threaten.

„Well I'll let him know then. Our family won't sponsor any longer."

„Good. We didn't want your dirty money anyways." I held my hand in front of my mouth really trying to hide the smirk and he noticed that but he didn't comment on it.

„Who is your sponsor then?" she asked and be shrugged his shoulders.

„That is most certainly none of your business any longer." boom he really dragged her and I really enjoy this show in silence. Karma tastes amazing.

„Do not  think it's over just because I leave now." she pointed at us and got up to leave.

„I am sorry for this inconvenience."

„No it's fine. She's been a pain in the ass ever since her kids got into this school. Someone had to put her in her place and I am glad it happened now. So thank you."

„Oh if that is so. Then I am glad I did it. But I am really curious now on who is the sponsor sir because she was sponsoring a decent amount on money." I asked and he held in for a moment.

„I got to meet your father. He was here. Not to see your kids because he said he doesn't know if he is allowed to because of your rough relationship with him. So he came into my office and asked me what he can do to help in any way. So I offered a Financial help. And he said „I will sponsor the double from the amount of money from the biggest sponsor."

„So this was why you were so nasty towards Sabrina? Because this was the first time ever. You were always so silent around her."

„Exactly. We don't need her financial support any longer. So I Cut that bitch off."

„Oh do I need to remind you of the rule?"
I asked him playfully and he laughed.

„Oh yeah sorry." he answered and his phone started to ring.

„If you don't mind. I still have some work to do."

„Of course sir. Thank you again for everything."
I added as we shook hands for a moment and I  left the school.


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