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I giggled at the thought of him staring at me, but I was quickly removed from my thoughts when my eyes landed on a certain movie. I let out a big dramatic gasp and glanced over my shoulder to see all the boys with their eyes as wide as golf balls.

"What happened." I heard Jake say from behind me. "You guys have Teen Beach Movie!?" I said with a dramatic, fake sob. "DUH!" Jake and Corey yelled at the same time. "Oh, we're watching this." I laughed. Sam and Colby shot each other annoyed looks before groaning super loud and rolling their eyes. "Oh shush you big babies, it's a good movie." I said putting it in the DVD player.

I grabbed my candies before sitting down on the L shaped couch with a blanket over my legs and my knees up to my chest. "Put your knees downnnuh." Jake said as he stomped his feet like a two year-old. "Why?" I asked as I put my legs up on the ottoman. Jake stayed silent as he grabbed a big bag of peanut m&m's and laid his head in my lap, facing the TV. "People are better pillows and none of these dummies ever let me lay on them." He pouted.

"Jake you are officially my son. I'm adopting you." I said with confidence and I heard him gasp and smile. "GUYS I HAVE A MOM THAT LOVES ME." he said excitedly and we all burst out laughing. Corey plopped himself down on the floor in front of me with a pillow behind his back and one for him to sit on. "You don't wanna sit on the couch Corey?" I laughed at his awkward position. "Nah, I'm really hot right now and the couch is warm so I'm just gonna chill down here." He said. 

Sam sat himself on my left side, underneath Jake's torso and laid his head on my shoulder. "Am I just the official pillow of the night?" I asked. "Pretty much." Corey replied from the ground before throwing his head on the side of my leg. Now there was only one more spot and only one more person left to take it. Colby threw himself on the couch next to me and just stared at the Tv screen. I ripped open the bag on candies that I had picked up from the store and leaned it over to him.

He looked at me for a second and I gave him the warmest smile I had. I saw the corners of his mouth creak up into a small grin before sticking his hand in the bag and laying his head on my shoulder just like Sam had his. We began watching the movie and every time a song came on me, Jake, and Corey would burst out in song but about halfway through, the singing slowed and I realized that Jake and Corey had fallen asleep.

A few minutes later I heard Sam yawn and I felt him move off of my shoulder giving me a chance to adjust since Colby was no longer on my shoulder either.  I moved around just enough to get comfortable but not enough to wake up Jake or Corey who were still laying on me. I thought I was the only one awake so I leaned forward to check, Corey was snoring peacefully, Jake had his eyes closed and was mumbling small bits of nonsense, and Sam was turned away from me curled up in a comfortable ball.

But when my eyes reached Colby's I found him to be wide awake. He looked over at me and slightly raised his eyebrows, asking me if I needed something. "Oh, I thought you were asleep." I giggled. "Oh no way, I'm a night owl and I've been really lazy today so I'm not really tired." He replied and smiled. 'Finally he's back to normal' I thought. "Same, I'm not really tired either." I replied looking back at the tv.

I placed the candy bag in his lap earning a confused look from him that I could see out of my peripheral vision. I wrapped both of my arms around his that was right next to me and laid my head on his shoulder. I heard him take a deep shaky breath which earned a quiet giggle from me. I yawned and snuggled my head further into his shoulder. "Did the girl who said she wasn't tired just yawn?" He chuckled. 

"Oh shut up..." I said in a sleepy voice. I heard him chuckle again  but this time it was cut short by another statement from Colby. "Hey Lily?" He asked probably checking if I was still awake. "Yeah?" I asked with my eyes closed. "I'm sorry for being a dick to you today. I just got pissed off..I'm sorry." He apologized. I could tell he meant it, his tone said everything that he didn't. 

"That's okay but.." I trailed off. "Why were you so pissed off?" I asked innocently, already knowing the answer to my own question. I could practically feel the heat radiating off his cheeks from how hard he was blushing. "Oh, u-uh.." he stuttered. "I-I just saw someone that I really didn't like and needed to be by myself for a minute." He lied. "Oh okay, if that's all." I said and yawned again.

I felt him let out a relived breath and I almost laughed but I didn't. Instead I just fell into a peaceful sleep, cuddled up next to Colby, surrounded by my new family.

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