Interval - Jungkook's ending

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Jungkook looked outside the window. The scenery was rather cold than usual.

"She is married." Jimin put the coffee on the table, "The invitation will be coming soon." He added. Jimin had been eavesdropping while his wife talked on the phone.

"I know.." She told me too.

"They surely didn't wait, huh?" He joked.

"They had been waiting for each other for so long." Jungkook knew it best. If he was Yoongi, he wouldn't want to wait either.

He wished he proposed to you earlier before all of this happened. Then he'll be the one beside you.

"Oh, Yuuna calls. Yes babe?" Jimin picked up the call, "I'll be there. Love you."

Jungkook could see how happy Jimin was. He was glowing. It was easy for him to forget Yuuna was his ex-girlfriend, besides those two were happily married now.

"Have to go now. She needs help with the baby. See you around?" Jungkook nodded.

Yuuna said she didn't hold a grudge yet she never invited Jungkook to their place. Unless he went as your partner on some occasions.

"Yeah, sure." He gave him a small smile.

Jimin waved goodbye as he stepped out from the cafe. He called Jungkook, just to check on him. You asked him to do that.

Making sure Jungkook was on the right track.

Little circle of friends.

You were Jimin's ex, Jungkook was Yuuna's ex, you dated Jungkook, Yuuna dated Jimin. Like there was no one else around. The three of them used to be best friends, Jimin, Jungkook and Yoongi, but Yoongi had his own circle with only you inside of it.

Jungkook finished his coffee and shoved his hands to the pocket. Your voice was still lingering in his ear. Sweet tone and sounds all happy. The sound of your laugh he missed the most.

You were gone from his life. Once again you were slipping away from his grasp. And this time he lost you for the last time.

You'll marry another guy. 𓀠

"I can do it myself." She snapped.

Jungkook stepped back immediately, "I think you need help." He said with genuine concern, plaster on his face.

"Why? Because I'm a girl? You don't think I can handle this alone?" She gave him an attitude. Clearly not because she was a girl, he thought, she was fifty nine inches. He could hide her behind him and no one will suspect she was right there all along. He worried she couldn't carry all of the files by herself.

"It looks heavy." That's all he said, and didn't want to offend her furthermore.

"It is heavy. But am I asking for your help?" She scoffed, "Why can't people mind their own business." She added as she tried to carry the boxes again.

He knew her reputation. Known as a bitchy senior, she had no friends at work because of the attitude. It was like she kept some distance from all her co-workers.

Jungkook didn't give her another glance and just left her alone. He had more things to be concerned about.

So he woke up in her bed months later, it became a habit. When did it start he ask himself. Right, company gathering. Was he the one who was drunk or her? He thought she was responsible to drive him back to his place since everybody was caught up in their own matters. Did he force her to do sex? Why didn't she leave? He was sure she could slap him and walk away. He didn't remember what really happened, but he woke up with her small figure beside him. It took him a while to process what happened. Not a single word came out from her. She made her own breakfast and sat on the counter. Didn't bother to offer him some. He felt like a male prostitute she hired. No conversation was made that morning, or the other day when she kissed and made out with him in the storage room. She is beautiful, too beautiful for his taste. They exchanged several words after spending a few nights together. How she likes her sex and how he likes his sex. Nothing too personal. They were simply two people taking care of each other's needs.

Interval - my youth with youNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ