You are the love of my life

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Yoongi rolled his fist. All he wanted was to be with you.

Having a nice dinner. Was it too much to ask? He wanted to feed you with the best meal he ever tasted, because after years you were still in his head. He wanted you to feel loved after being separated for so long, he wanted to shower you with flowers.

Now he is capable of giving you everything you want but he can't. You didn't want him. There was a time when he missed you everyday. There was a time when all he could do was just look into your picture.

Things had to be done. He had responsibility Many, many people were counting on him.

Yoongi took a deep breath and chased after you. He won't let you go so easily.

"Y/n." He grabbed your arm.

"I'm done with you. You are a selfish human being. You never love me!"

"Listen.." He grabbed your shoulder, forcing you to face him, "Y/n, I'm not the same person you loved years ago."

"I know right? Yoongi.. but i still.." You wiped the tears that streamed down on your cheek, "You left. I..-"

"I love you." Yoongi kissed your lips. He closes the gap between both of you, trapping you in his embrace. He didn't care if everyone was watching the two of you, "Don't cry..." He buried you in his chest, "It hurt me to see you cry..." He whispered.

"Lie.. lie, lie, lie!!" You pushed him away, Yoongi didn't let you go.

His secretary was paying for the dinner and calling Yoongi's driver. Yoongi interviewed him himself. He was loyal to Yoongi, knowing him like his own.

"Your car is here, Mr Min."

"Thanks." Yoongi led you to the car, "Reschedule all my meetings for tomorrow. I'm taking a day off." He nodded.

"I'll call you if something important comes up." He answered. Yoongi closed the door.

His eyes focused back at you who was shrinking away from him. Yoongi put his coat around you. Resisting the urge to pull you back inside him.

"Can we see each other without talking about the past?" He asked softly. He took your hand, "I'm not the same person. We had grown apart. I.." He wiped your tears, "We had been through many things before, now.. Can we just enjoy each other's presence?" You looked at his hands. They were bigger than you remember. His fingers, his arm. You remembered how you used to be excited just to see some part of him.

"You said you love me.." Instead of answering you, Yoongi lifted you up effortlessly to straddle him, your dress crawling up on your thigh.

Both of you were staring intensely at each other, just like he melted your soul. You didn't know who to lean on first. But his lips met yours in the gentlest way as you were afraid to kiss him back. But he was convincing.

"You are the love of my life..."

Those simple words were enough. The sounds of your panting filled the room, you tightened the grip on his waist.

Yoongi was on top of you as he was pounding inside you in a teasing pace after your second orgasm. Yoongi was nipping and biting the skin under your ear.

"You are so beautiful..." Yoongi caressed your hair. He wasn't done.

"Please.." You begged him to stop, "I've to work tomorrow.. or today.." You lost track of time. He kissed the tip of your nose as he increased his pace, chasing his own high. You spread your legs wider, welcoming him. The more he fastened his pace the more sloppier his thrusts were.

You could feel he was twitching inside as he released the warm liquid on your wall.

"Y/n..." He breathes out, staring at your figure beside him. He moved a bit to lock you inside his embrace. It was the softest and loving gaze he ever gave you. Just like in high school, "I'm going to marry soon."

"I want to be with you..." Yoongi touched your face, "I love you, Y/n.."

"What are you talking about? You are going to marry? With who?" You were confused. He was probably joking right?

"Y/n," Yoongi grabbed your face, "Do you love me?" You released yourself from his grip, "All i can think now is you.."

"Yoongi, I don't understand..." You did love him. If it wasn't for that love you wouldn't be here, "You are going to marry.. soon?"

"We can be together. We'll date in secret."

"Did you realize you were just asking me to be your mistress?" You chuckled, it sounded very stupid.

"I never thought I'd meet you again.. Y/n, I can't lose you." You gave him a distance. Scared of with whatever in his head, "My heart chose you. It always will."

You wrapped yourself with the duvet. Mistress. Wasn't it awful that he offered you to be his mistress? Or you were not worthy enough to be his wife.

"I don't know, Yoongi..."

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