We are here now

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"Do not wait. You have to go to his place." Jungkook patted your head. Even if he said so, you couldn't bring yourself to see Yoongi as soon as you moved from Jungkook's.

Little part of you was scared. Yoongi told you he will be waiting at the house. This time, if you agree. You'll be with him.

Not as his secret lover..

What am I thinking?

Well, he did ask me to marry him... But was it too soon?

I just switched from Jungkook to Yoongi just like I'm changing clothes.

The only thing you were sure about, you love Yoongi. You were very cruel to Jungkook.

Has he ever felt happy?

You shoved back those feelings. This time you need to treat yourself first. And when you are ready, you will go to Yoongi and answer his question.

Just a bit more.

You poured all your attention to work. Jungkook will casually check on you like he usually did. Alea wasn't sure what happened this time. She didn't dare to ask since you seem like building a wall around.

You were working out three times a week, reading books about love-self and listening to good music. Keep yourself busy, trying not to think about Yoongi. By the end of the night when you were laying on your bed, emptying your head, clearing your mind, your heart was still calling him. His captivating small smile, how cold he looked from the outside, once you knew him, he was considerate and warm. He didn't seem like someone who paid too much attention, but when you needed help he was there. All the time. If there was one thing you hate about him, Yoongi always keeps things from you. He never talked about his mother sickness, his former relationship with Kath, even after you meet him again, he hid the reason he left without any words. Too many secrets.

Both of you were young at the time.


Y/n left Jungkook's house.

It had been a while since you left, but you didn't reach him immediately. He wondered why. He wanted to call you, but he thought you might need more time.

Maybe it was too soon, if you agreed to marry him he would have all the time to cherish you in a right way. He was willing to give any time you wanted but he ran out of patience apparently.

So when he saw you standing in front of his door. It seemed unreal. His heart felt like it burst from happiness.

His tiredness from work vanished in a second. He couldn't help but smile ear to ear

You were walking back and forth. Biting your nails nervously. You fixed your tidy clothes several times. To be honest he didn't care about it much as he was wanting to rip it off from you. Such a bothersome thought when he had no idea what you had in mind.

His heart was softened by your gentle gesture. He was helpless.

The moon was high.

You bit your lower lip, arguing to yourself for days. Facing uncertainty, you had to talk to him. Getting back together or not, you still had to clear things out.

Ugh, is he home yet?

"The password is still the same if you wondered." You turned around, he stood there, right behind you, "Why didn't you come sooner?" Yoongi walked to your side, giving you a heart attack. He pressed on the password carefully. His warmth was radiating on your back, "Come on in." He said calmly.

Interval - my youth with youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن