Volume 1 - Chapter 1

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It's been a year since Izuku started studying abroad but sadly it has to come to an end. He was back in Japan for a week already so he could spend some time moving back in with his mom and catching up with her. However his mom had some news for him.

Right now they were out for dinner in a fancy Italian restaurant. "Once again I'm so happy things turned out great in America!" Inko said. To be honest she was pretty lonely without Izuku here home in Japan and the first few weeks were really difficult for her. Izuku knew this and so he called her many times just to check how she was doing.

That being said Inko also knew this would help Izuku grow more and help him become a better hero, and thus he had her full support. "It's also great to see how things went with your father." Izuku nodded. Izuku's father, Hisashi Midoriya, started working overseas so he could provide for his family. But in doing so he wouldn't be much present in Izuku's life. It was a high price to pay but Hisashi would do anything to provide for his family, and luckily his family was okay with that.

"Yeah, I had a great time out there at school but also with dad." Izuku said. Izuku took a bite of his food but when he looked up he saw that his mother was rather nervous. "Hey mom, what is it?" He said as he grabbed her hand. Inko fidgeted a little bit. "It's just that-" She started as tears started to form. "I love you very much Izuku and what I'm about to say is rather sudden." Now this worried Izuku. What was his mom talking about?

"Seeing as how things went so great with your father this past year-" Inko took one big final breath before continuing. "We both have decided it would be best for me to start living in America, and I'm leaving in 3 days." It was silent for a few seconds. Inko couldn't look her son in the eyes. Just as he had returned from America she was already leaving him behind. It was a horrible thing of her to do.

But Izuku thought differently. "Is that all?" He said nonchalantly as he took another bite. Inko looked up dumbfounded. How was he so calm about this? Seeing his mother's confused face made Izuku chuckle.

"If you're worried I would disagree with your decision, or resent you somehow you're wrong mom." He said as he reached over and wiped away her tears. "I know you and dad want to be together again so as a matter of fact I support this decision wholeheartedly!" Inko hugged her son's arm in happiness. "I'm glad you're taking this so well Izuku." She said. "I thought you were going to take the news in a bad way."

"I mean, America also made me mature a whole lot so you don't have to worry that much!" Izuku said with a smile. With that out of the way the two enjoyed the rest of their dinner.

After that Izuku helped his mom pack all her belongings she wanted to take to America the following 3 days until it was time for Inko to leave. "I'm gonna miss you so much!" She said as she gave her son a final hug. Izuku chuckled. "Mom, you're crumpling my tie." He said as he strongly hugged her back. "Ah, you're right! Sorry!" Inko said as she let go of him and quickly fixed his tie. "I just hope everything will be okay when I leave."

Izuku let out a smaak sigh. "Mom, I can take perfect care of myself. Don't even worry." This time his mom chuckled. "It's not you I'm worried about." Inko said. "Just the people you're going to see again now that you're returning to UA."

"Ah, don't worry about that." Izuku said as he grabbed his blazer and put it on. He also grabbed his bag, stepped out of the door and then locked his apartment. Together he and Inko started heading for the entrance of their apartment building.

Izuku continued. "I've gotten over it pretty quickly and this time I'm not going to fall for that stuff." Inko looked him in the eyes strictly for a second before turning her serious look into a happy one. "Very well then, I trust you." Inko said.

The two looked at each other before Inko stepped in for one final hug. "Take care Izuku, me and your dad make sure to visit you during the holidays!" "You too mom and say hi to dad for me." Izuku said. The two held each other for a few more seconds before Inko let go. "Alrighty, let's both go now before one of us runs late!"

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