Lusting over your smell

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Jeres POV

Jere woke up to the familiar sound of his alarm, but today, something felt off. As he blinked away the remnants of sleep, he realized that his heartache had returned with a vengeance. Bojan, his boyfriend, was thousands of miles away in Slovenia, and the distance seemed insurmountable in that moment. The empty space beside him on the bed amplified the ache in his chest, as he longed to feel Bojan's warmth and hear his gentle breathing.

The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a bittersweet glow on the room. Jere's mind wandered to the memories they had created together: their laughter echoing through the corridors, their shared dreams and whispered promises. Every corner of their home carried fragments of their love, and without Bojan, it felt incomplete and hollow.

Jere's fingertips traced the familiar contours of his phone, longing to hear Bojan's voice. He yearned to bridge the physical divide, to hold Bojan close and feel his tender embrace. The distance weighed heavily on his heart, leaving him feeling isolated and vulnerable. The days without Bojan stretched endlessly, each passing moment a reminder of the vast expanse that separated them.

As Jere reluctantly rose from the bed, he couldn't help but recall the adventures they had embarked upon together. From strolling hand in hand along Vanhaa's enchanting streets to exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Lake Bled, their love had flourished amidst the beauty of Finland. Now, surrounded by the mundane routine of everyday life, he yearned for those cherished moments that seemed so distant.

Jere found solace in the photographs that adorned the walls of their home. Each image captured a precious memory, a testament to the depth of their connection. The laughter frozen in time and the love radiating from their smiles offered a glimmer of hope, a reminder that their love could withstand any distance.

With a heavy heart, Jere tried his best to get out of bed, but failed. The thought about Bojan made him feel week. He truly did miss him, they haven't talked or messaged in 2 days already. They were both busy, maybe they would talk today. Jere really needed the sound of Bojans majestic voice looped around his ears once again.

Jere opened his eyes to another day without Bojan by his side. As he sat up, the emptiness of the bed seemed to echo the void in his heart. The longing for his boyfriend, who resided in Slovenia, weighed heavily on him. But today, Jere was determined to find solace in the simple routines of life.

He dragged himself out of bed, his legs heavy with the weight of missing Bojan. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, a scent that used to be intertwined with shared mornings and stolen kisses. Jere prepared breakfast, each slice of toast and pour of orange juice a reminder of the moments they once enjoyed together. The kitchen, once a place of laughter and culinary exploration, felt strangely quiet without Bojan's presence.

As Jere sat down at the table, he couldn't help but glance at the empty chair across from him. It was a painful reminder of the conversations they used to have over breakfast, the plans they made and the dreams they shared. The distance between them felt insurmountable, and Jere's heart ached with the absence of Bojan's laughter and warm embrace.

He reached out for his phone next to him, and unlocked it, and the first thing he sees is Bojans chat. No new notifications.

He decided to text Bojan, to maybe grow their bond a little bit stronger.

'Good morning, my love."

It was currently 6:38am for Finland, meaning it was 5:38 in Slovenia. He didn't think much of Bojan not replying, as he could still be sleeping.

But what shocked him the most, was when Bojan read his message, but didn't respond.

Did he do anything wrong to him? He read his message so quick, but didnt reply.

Maybe he'd reply later. After all, it was 5:42 for him now.

He sat down on the couch, where he and his boyfriend used to sit down together, and just stared at the wall. Overthinking everything.

Did he do anything wrong? Did Bojan loose interest?

A notification, after 20 minutes, caught his eye.

It was from Bojan.

Thank God.

He really did think he did something wrong.


My Bojan❤️

good morning. i'm busy today so talk to u tomorrow, i love you<3


Well, he did say he loves him, but he didn't call him any cute nickname, like he always did.

Its fine, he's probably in a hurry.

He replied with a quick 'okay, i love you more'

Again, Bojan opened the message, but didnt reply. He was busy, right?


Quick paragraph for today, i might write another one though.

Now, get ready for some problems in the next few paragraphs!!

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