Chapter 10: A Very UnMerry Christmas

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"Laura, wait!" Severus pleaded, grabbing her arm. "Please! I'm begging you! Let me explain!"

Laura yanked her arm away, staring daggers into Severus's eyes. Severus had never felt this type of pain. A pain so sharp, it nearly gutted his insides, a pain so agonizing, he was sure it could carve out his soul, obliterating it. This pain hadn't been caused by a physical injury, but an emotional one. The burden of lies he had carried with him for all those months had finally caught up with him, devouring him with a vengeance.

"How could you do this!?" Laura yelled, her eyes filled with rage.

"I didn't have a choice!" he yelled desperately.

"You murdered Albus!" Laura screamed. "You killed him like he meant nothing to you!"

Severus wasn't given a chance to respond as Laura stormed off to the bedroom. "What are you doing?" he asked, running after her with worry seeping from his voice, watching her grab a suitcase before she shoved her clothes in it.

"I'm leaving," she spat at him, not taking her eyes away from what she was doing.

"No! You're not leaving!" Severus was ready to block the door if he had to. He couldn't let her leave. He just couldn't. If she left, she would never come back.

But perhaps... that was the price Severus had to pay for all of his lies, all of his deceit.

Laura's eyes shot to Severus's face. "You lied to me!" Laura yelled. "You betrayed me! You let me walk down that fucking aisle! You let me say "I do" and you said all that shit about loving me forever and being there forever. We were supposed to be honest with each other! And then you do this!?"

"Laura, don't do this!" Severus yelled. "We can talk about this!"

Severus saw that she was about to go to the door. He was about to lose her. He ran to the door, standing in front of it, not realizing that even though she was standing there, he had already lost her.

"Get out of my way!" Laura yelled, fire practically raging in her eyes.

"Laura, no... we can talk about this," he said with desperation, tears nearly brewing like mad in his eyes. "We can... I swear it... I'll tell you everything."

But Laura wasn't having it. She shoved him out of the way.

She was done... done with him. And she wasn't coming back.

"No, we can't," Laura said quietly. "I'm leaving and I'm not coming back." Laura grabbed her suitcase before slowly walking to the door. "I'll send you the divorce papers... goodbye, Severus."

Goodbye, Severus...

Severus's eyes popped open, his heart pounding in his chest. He tiredly looked down at his chest, seeing Laura sleeping soundly, resting her head there. He breathed a sigh of relief, realizing it was only a terrible nightmare.

For now, anyway.

"Is something wrong?" Laura whispered sleepily, not opening her eyes.

Severus looked down at her, surprised she was awake. "What?"

"Your heart," she said sleepily, "it's pounding."

"Just a bad dream," Severus responded. "I'm fine now."

"Jeez," Laura said with a playful smile, not opening her eyes. "Only one night married and you're already having nightmares."

"Oh, shut it," Severus said jokingly before nudging her. "Did you get any sleep last night?" Severus watched her, seeing her finally opening her eyes.

Love is Chaos Part 2 of A Light in the Dark (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now