Zack Merrick - The New Girl

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"Smile Hannah, first day at your new school!" Mum said cheerily as she jogged into the kitchen, making herself a coffee while she made some toast for me, doing it all with a smile on her face.

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled, pushing the plate away. "I still don't know why we had to move across the Atlantic."

"You know why," Mum sighed. She sat next to me and put her hands over mine, her face softening. "I lost my job. If we stayed in England, we would have lost everything. Besides, Baltimore is really nice. You'll love it - you'll make friends in no time."

"But, Mum-"

"No buts. We didn't have a chioce. So, you can either be miserable about it, or you could embrace having a fresh start in a completely different country?" I muttered a reply to which my Mum seemed content with and nibbled on my toast, to make her happy. It wasn't like I didn't want to eat, I was just too nervous. All through school in England I was pretty unhappy. I wasn't depressed, I just never had many friends. I was always kinda picked on for my height and my taste in music, just because I didn't like the chart music. I like old rock and punk, like AC/DC and the Sex Pistols, but I was into most genres of rock. 

"Are you sure you've got everything?" Mum asked for the millionth time as she pulled up to my new high school. "Notebook? Pencil case?"

"Yes, Mum, I'll be okay. I'm fifteen, I think I can handle a new school." I laughed, kissing her on the cheek before stepping out of the car and into the main building. I was immediately overwhelmed by the amount of people rushing through the corridors, and I was only at shoulder level to most of them. I looked around, searching for the main office when I felt an arm around my shoulder. I looked up at a tall boy with black and blonde hair.

"Hey, you're the new girl, right?" He asked. I nodded and he shook my hand. "I'm Jack."

"Hannah," I said, breaking free of his arm. "You don't happen to know where the office is, do you?"

"I'm going that way now, I could show you?" Another voice said and I spun around to face another tall boy. This one had brown and blonde hair. "I'm Alex, by the way. Sorry about Jack. He can be a little in-your-face sometimes."

"No it's fine." I said, standing awkwardly.

"Oh, yeah! Right, the office. It's this way." I laughed as I followed Alex, saying bye to Jack.

"See you around." Jack called, waving his arms manically as he retreated, hitting people before he walked backwards into a row of lockers, cursing loudly.

"He seems... Nice." I laughed, looking up at Alex.

"He is, he's just a bit out there. You'll get used to him."

"Will I?"

Alex looked down at me as he opened a door that had the word OFFICE printed on it in big, bold letters, "Yeah, we've officially unofficially adopted you!"

"That doesn't even make sense." I smirked. Alex just rolled his eyes.

"See you later, you'll have a class with at least one of the four of us."


"Yeah, our friends Rian and Zack go here too! Bye Hannah." I waved him off as I walked up to the office desk, smiling at the receptionist.

"How can I help you, sweetie?" She asked, a welcoming smile on her face. I instantly felt at ease and smiled back, gaining confidence in my voice.

"I'm supposed to be starting school here today? I'm Hannah." I waited as she looked at here computer screen, smiling again as she looked back up.

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