Coming Out Poem

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A/N: I wrote this several months ago and was going to release it on Coming Out Day in October, but in light of Pride Month, I'm uploading it now. Here goes...

Sometimes sexuality doesn't come with a label,

I have a few confessions to lay on the table.

My close friends know, and that's all who do,

but now it's time to open up to you.

I am pansexual, a sexual orientation that accepts all genders.

I say that I am pan, cause I wouldn't mind a man,

if what I find in his lower zone tells me he's actually a tran.

Don't get me wrong, I am attracted to men, as long as they keep their pants on,

But any sign of bulge, then he'll have to indulge some other fine swan.

It's not easy, my life was never breezy,

And guys are normally sleazy.

It's the beauty of girls, and the way that they swirl,

that makes my heart twirl.

So many a time, I have read in a rhyme

"Sugar and spice, and all things nice,

that's what little girls are made of"

the male counterpart is wholly unpleasant,

Artemis, herself, won't let them be present.

The idea of her hunt is ever so tempting,

the lack of males doesn't even ignite

a sense of regret as I take the maiden's hand,

preferring these powerful daughters of the night,

as they hold something dear, a male wouldn't understand.

Trust me I've tried, I've even dated a guy,

There were two that I never dated, that gave me feelings I sweetly hated,

That's what I called "serious crushes", when speaking of them, they were merely hushes.

Never had I the desire to fuck them, and after reading I came to a conclusion.

I convinced myself I was demisexual just so that I wouldn't be condemned

for being myself, for liking femmes

studs, butch, chapsticks, all these stereotypes that no girl actually lives by,

when society breaks them down and makes them cry,

I want to open the closet door and hold out my hand,

because we're all the same, we stand on shared land.

I regard myself as a dude from time to time,

if we must talk statistics, I have a 10% more male than female mind,

Although biologically born as a chick,

Gender norms just don't seem to stick.

I bind my chest, and cut my hair,

But whatever pronoun, I just don't care.

See, I am not confined to one gender identity,

I am feminine and have masculinity,

Androgynous seemed the ideal word,

but gender fluid rang a higher tune,

chirping like a free flown bird

If you don't understand, I can't guarantee you will soon.

And I dearly hope that this doesn't effect the way in which I am viewed,

By those in my life by which I'm deeply moved,

You are my joy, love, and light,

So I hope I'm not giving you much of a fright.

If you are female, you need not worry, I know you too well to like you, sorry.

To this I'm addressing all my female friends, don't have a heart attack because I've seen you naked.

Although I'm fluid, I lack in testosterone...

Besides, you need more than a body to excite me.

Love is boundless and sees no gender,

It should be passionate, sweet, and tender.

So treat me the same as always, because nothing has changed,

You just now know that my attraction is ranged.

A/N: I'm ok with coming out to everyone except my parents because they aren't very accepting of homosexuality, especially when it comes to their own children. So to those of you who I know IRL, I would appreciate it if you didn't speak about this to them, at least until I move out of home. They don't know my wattpad account so I feel safe posting this here and knowing they won't read it. And to my good friends, this doesn't really change anything, I don't feel awkward when you girls get changed in front of me or sleep with me (NOT in that way) because I don't have a crush on any of you, and if I did then I would tell you and give you privacy when you are doing your business... because that's the kind of gentleman/woman that I am :P I would say any other notable change is I might be "cross dressing" more, but I did that before I came out anyway so that's not really a change.

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