'Sleeping' Swordswoman

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Our hands clasped and our hearts beat,

My head bowed against her chest,

Trembling, I slowly rise to my feet,

Knowing this day would be a test. 

I'm running now, and I will never stop,

Until I hear her cry my name, 

A promise to fight, to reach the top,

A failure to do so would bring much shame. 

Her followers wept, and brought with them flowers,

The strongest of all, her essence evicted,

The bricks she's smashed could have made towers,

I wept at the sight of images depicted. 

She's dying now, her life being swallowed,

So humble a position in which she lay,

An empty space, and now I feel hollowed,

A life without her day after day. 

A/N: Yes, that picture is from SAO II... good job. I guess, this poem was kinda influenced by Yuuki and Asuna's relationship in a way. I made the title as an intentional reference :)

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