Misplaced Cuteness (Chibi!Somewhat Yandere!AFO)

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Requested: No one.  Genre: Fluff

Ignore Izuku/Deku in the image, but that's how he looks like as a chibi, except he had nubs for hands.

A/n: Just wanted to write something cute and fluffy



Something very very strange just happened to me. So while I was going out with my friend Toshinori or as people know him as All Might or as I call him Toshi. Though he is an ex-pro hero now but everyone still calls him that. But since we been childhood friends I asked him out to eat at his favorite restaurant and he agreed. We both wore hoodies to be discrete and to hide our identities. No one really knows about me since I stay home most of the time, working from home. But what we didn't count on was a villain attack and would you know it All For One appeared in the flesh trying to kill Toshi. I jumped and pushed Toshi out the way off some attacks he sent out, he really liked rivet stab. As we hid behind a flipped table I start wishing that I had a quirk, but sadly I'm quirkless since in my generation quirkless people were more common.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a enraged mother with her baby in her hands. She got up with her baby in her hand and started shouting at the villain. HOW? I guess an angry mother would do that, angry momma bear. All For One looked at her and grinned evilly then he aimed at her. But before he could hurt her, she lifted her baby up and used her hair to tickle his nose. The baby sneezes because her hair is like a feather on their little nose. When the baby sneezes a baby blue glowing orb shot out of their hands and went straight for All For One. The glowing orb hit him and sparkling baby blue smoke enveloped him. Honestly when that happened I swear I heard a squeak, as if a dog toy had fallen onto the ground. When the smoke dissipated I noticed that the mother and her baby were gone and I couldn't see All For One anywhere.

I look a Toshi and he is also confused as to where his attacker went. I got up and started waking and so did Toshi. We walked the premise to see if somebody was hurt or to see if we could find any trace of the villain. Then I step on something and it squeaks loudly or it sounded more like a scream high on helium. I jump back frightened at the noise that I heard under me, Toshi came running to be after he noticed my frightened jump. "N/n are you okay? I saw you jump" he asked me. I didn't answer him because I knelt down and picked up the tiny person by his blazer. I got up to my full height and showed Toshi and said "I step on him and he screamed." He stares at the tiny person and suddenly he started to laugh so hard then he started coughing blood.

I looked at the person and saw that he has a tiny body and a big head, that doesn't fit the size of his body. He looks like a chibi, I hold my laugh once I realize who he actually is. His fluffy white hair and red eyes give away who he is, this guy is All For One. He flailed around trying to escape the grip of my thumb and index finger but to no avail, my finger didn't drop him. I take off my hood to see better in the wrecked building, at least nobody is hurt or trapped under the rubble. I look at the tiny villain and see his red eyes turn into big pink hearts once he actually got a good look at my face. The hearts turn back into his normal red eyes and his face turn red, what it happening fright now. Toshi just stares at the tiny villain and chuckles at what just happened. "I think he fell for you" he said then he grimaces once her realized what just happened between his greatest enemy and his childhood  friend.

"We should probably take him to the police" said Toshi, I nod and respond "Yeah, maybe they will know what to do with him now that he looks like this."

~Time Skip~

Detective Tsukauchi had a puzzled look when we arrived and he saw what we had brought. I was holding All For One with both my hand and only his head was visible because my hands covered his body. He looked up at the detective as he looked down at him in my hands. "Is this who I think it is?" he asked. Both Toshi and me nod, Tsukauchi looks over the tiny villain. "We should put him through questioning" said Tsukauchi. Then he started leading us to the questioning room. "Had him over so I can question him correctly L/n" said Tsukauchi, I nod and hand him over to him. But when Tsukauchi got hold of him he started flailing around then he stopped and bit Tsukauchi hand. Tsukauchi dropped him in pain but I managed to catch him on time. When I grabbed him he started to snuggle with my hands.

Tsukauchi just glared at him and what he is doing and so does Toshi. "Why did he bite me but not you?" asked Tsukauchi confused. I shrug not really understanding why. Then the chibi started talking though his voiced sounded high-pitched because of his current form. "Nobody can take me away from my darling", DARLING? "What I don't even know your name and your are saying that we are dating!" I yelled at him. He looked up at me and said "Call me Shigaraki or anything else honestly"  he said and his eyes looked like they had spirals. "So his name his Shigaraki" said Tsukauchi and looks pensive. "Looks like a case of being yandere" said Tsukauchi then continued speaking "Maybe if you ask him the question he will answer them without hesitation." I look at him and think about it, yes that might actually work. "Alright lets get questioning" I said confident.

~Time Skip~

After we question him we were now thinking about where he should be place because any prison won't work with his current stature. "If only we could turn him back then we could but him in Tartarus. But his current size and obsession with you prevents us from doing that" said Tsukauchi. I place Shigaraki on the table and start talking with Tsukauchi and Toshi. "Maybe we can find the baby who did this and turn him back" I said. "Yeah that could work but we don't even know where they went and if they can even reverse it" said Tsukauchi. "You're right I doubt a baby could reverse their quirk at such a young age" said Toshi. We heard a thud on the table and turn to see Shigaraki face plant onto the table. He then jumped up and looked like he was trying to attack Toshi and Tsukauchi because he was waving his hands now numbs at them.

Tsukauchi looked at him and snapped his fingers as if he just got an idea. "He doesn't have his quirk in this form so he is basically harmless" he said. "So what? What are we going to do with him?" I asked. "I guess it would best if someone were to take care of him" said Toshi and then he stared at me as if I was the answer. "What! You can't actually be thinking that!?" I yelled. "You're the best candidate for it L/n, after all he is infatuated with you so he won't do anything, after all he can't harm anyone in this form" Tsukauchi said. I sigh, "I guess I cant take care of him since I work from home" I said. "Okay so I will assign you as his caretaker L/n" Tsukauchi announced. I went to the table and was going to grab Shigaraki when he suddenly jumped into my hands. I guess he like being held, I look back that the two guess and start leaving to go home.

After some walking I arrived to my apartment, when I entered I saw Shigaraki looking around in awe. "Your play looks nice" he said, "Um.. Thanks" I said back. I placed him on my desk and went to work. But I stopped because I could feel him staring at me, I looked at him and just saw him sitting there staring at me with his big red eyes. He's actually very cute in this form, suddenly I got the urge to scratch his head like a cat or dog. I extend my arm and scratch him with my hand. I could feel my fingers get slightly tangled in his fluffy white hair. He close his eyes with content, I guess he enjoys this. I lifted my hand but he grabbed my hand with his nubs and placed it back onto his head. My eyes soften, he's so CUTE. How can he a villain be this cute? Talk about misplaced cuteness, he should have this cuteness.

After hours of working, that's a lie actually I spent those hours playing around with Shigaraki. Actually I gave him a nickname and call him Shiggy. He's not really a yandere except when he stares angrily at picture of boys that I know which are hanging on the wall. If not for his overwhelming jealousy to any guy, he's just a cute little person. I started going to my bedroom to go to sleep. When I got comfortable in bed I felt something land on my stomach and save Shiggy had somehow jumped onto me. I saw him climb up to my chest and laid down there. My eyes twitched at him laying down on my chest. I sigh and start closing my eyes, I yawn and get into my sleeping position. Before I fell asleep I swear I felt a small peck on my lips and hear a small "Goodnight darling".

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