Chapter 8 -W

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Eric's POV

I slammed the car door after me once I got into my car. I started the car and started driving to my house, checking behind me to make sure Heidi's car is following. I can't believe she would do this shit to me!

She told me she wouldn't talk to that nasty jew but of course she fucking did. I'm going to fucking kill her! Or myself. That'll really teach her a lesson then she'll think the blood is on her hands for the rest of her life! But if I killed myself she might get with that dirty jew..

No! She fucking wouldn't if I killed myself. She knows how much that fucking bitch has done to me! She wouldn't date him in honor of me. If she fucking loves me she'd think of that when I'm dead.

When I'm fucking dead I'll make sure to not get near that fatass though, I don't wanna see her eating a bucket of "beyond" KFC. She's so stupid to believe it's vegan. Plus, that extra weight isn't water weight. It's from all that shit she's been eating. Not me though. How would I tell if she's dating the jew if I'm not around her though..

Whatever! I'll trust her to not get near that bitch again. But.. She's betrayed my trust 2 times. Sure, people say I'm in the wrong but she can't get near that bitch stealing jew!

I grunt and park in front of my house, checking the mirror to make sure Heidi's car is there. Her car is parked behind mine and I turn off my car and open my door, getting out.

She does the same and walks up to me. I turn to her, rage in my eyes. "Heidi. You promised not to fuck with Kyle ever fucking again!"

Heidi looked at me, she looked like she had been crying before and it looks like she is again. Weak. She deserves it for falling in love with that stupid jew. "Stop fucking crying, I should be the one crying! You're cheating on me with that bitch stealing jew."

"I'm not cheating! Can't I just be friends with him?!" She raised her voice. This woman has nerve. No wonder she's friends with Wendy. I hate Wendy. She's a fucking bitch just like Heidi. "No! He's gonna try manipulating you! I don't want you hurt, I love you! I can't have that dirty jew trying to take my life away from me!"

Those words felt gross to say. I don't even love her. How do I manage to stick around this toxic, manipulative bastard? I don't know. But it kinda makes me awesome. "Eric! I can have friends!"

"Yeah, but not one's trying to get with you!" She's never fought back. If she keeps doing this I'll just kill myself. I bet she wouldn't care! "Eric," she started, her voice quieted. Thank god. She's so fucking annoying. "He wouldn't do that. Kyle doesn't want to be involved with cheating."

Is this bitch stupid? Oh wait, she is. It's not even like she knows that jew! I've known him since, pre-school? Yeah I think that's it. But I wish I hadn't met him! He's the worst fucking person. "And how the fuck do you know that? I've known him since I was 4, I know he'd do anything to hurt me!"

"He's saved your life so many times, Eric." Heidi paused for a second then went on right when I was about to reply, "because he's a good person. Sure, you guys don't get along well but he's willing to save you. Would you do that for him? No."

"Shu-" She cut me off again, this fucking bitch! Kyle wouldn't fucking save my life. "No don't speak. You call him so many names, but he wouldn't want you dead. You're so mean to him, he defends himself but if you're dying he'd help you. Remember when he was going to die from his diabetes and he needed a kidney transplant? You were the only one that could save him, but you didn't want to. You signed that paper, but it was just to donate your kidney. You didn't willingly give him that, you didn't want to save him. But he would save you if you needed it and he could help."

What is this bitch talking about. Wait. She used to defend me like this. What the fuck. This bitch likes the jew! "Heidi. What the fuck."

She looked at me, waiting for more words to come out of my mouth. It didn't hurt to think she likes Kyle, I couldn't give a shit. She's ugly. But to think of Kyle taking my girl? I'm not letting that shit slide. "I knew it! You're fucking cheating on me! You used to defend me like that when you loved me, but now your defending Kyle!"

"Eric, I still love you. But Kyle deserves to have someone defending him, so I'll fucking do it! I can defend people without being in love with them! Kyles a nice person, and thinking about all you've done to me, you're not a nice person. Let me give you a couple examples. Tweek and Craig allow each other to have male friends, Stan allows Wendy to have male friends, normal relationships involve trust! Trust to make sure the other person isn't in love with someone else even if they have the opposite gender friends. Do you just not trust me? Is there no trust in our relationship? Thinking of it, you've never trusted me with anything! You don't know how to have a relationship, and you've been blaming the shit you've done on me! I-"

Fuck. I could lose her. Well, guess I have to act interested in our relationship now. I wrap my arms around Heidi and hug her. "Heidi, I'm sorry you think this is my fault. I've been going through so much and I might've not been the best, but I'm doing my best. If you don't appreciate my efforts, I don't think this can work out."

Heidi looks at me, her eyes starting to fill with tears. "Eric, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me but you didn't deserve to hear what I said.. I promise I'll never say anything like that again."

"It's just so hard and I feel awful all the time unless I'm around you and I just don't want you mad at me."

"I'm so so sorry, I promise I'll be here for everything." Her voice sounded regretful just as it should be. She should regret what she fucking said to me.

She's stupid for believing me. "Thank you sweetie."

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