Chapter 4 -W

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Eric's POV

I sat at a KFC table waiting for my chicken, at least food doesn't cheat on me with a dirty fucking jew. God damn, I didn't know Heidi could go so low. Kyle? Kyle fucking Broflovski? Kyle. The dirty jew. I'll make sure she doesn't get near that fucking bitch again.

But what if she does? No. She wouldn't. Not after I show her what that dirty jew is ACTUALLY like. No jews are good. Kyles the worst of them. And I don't fucking lie about this shit. I'm as honest as.... Something.

Just make up something that's honest. Like Michael Jackson. He wasn't lying about.. well.

Maybe not Michael Jackson.

I'm just like Pinocchio! He's an innocent child that does no wrong. But people (like dirty jews) always put the blame on them.

Don't worry Heidi, I'll make sure that jew doesn't corrupt your brain.

I'm honest like Colleen Bollinger. Sure, people are like "We have proof of you grooming children." But all she has groomed is her 2 persian cats! To me, she's completely innocent. Like the Russians. Specifically Putin. Controversial? Maybe. But Im being fucking honest, alright?

My thoughts were interrupted by my order being called, "1985 your order is ready!"

I got up from my seat and went to grab my kernel. I picked up the tray it was on and walked back to my table, should I have said thank you? As if.

I set the tray down onto the table and popped open the bucket. I peeled the skin off of the chicken and ate it with a smile on my face. This is so much better then having a stupid, toxic, manipulative, cheating, sociopathic girlfriend. She keeps acting like she's the victim! I am obviously the victim here.

I was biting into my kernel until my phone went off. I pulled it out from my pocket and looked at the name of who's calling, "Heidi." I removed the "❤️" and replaced it with a . because that bitch doesn't deserve a heart. She's cheating on me with Kyle fucking jew Broflovski. Who goes to that point?! I knew Heidi was low ignoring me in the morning, but KYLE? The dirty jew is trying to take my girl. I'll show him.

I answered the phone and scoffed, pressing it against my ear just like I did earlier when she asked for me to pick her up. Such a fucking slob. "What?" I said, aggravated. "Hey sweetie.."

Her voice was filled with sadness, god, what a crybaby. She's so weak. She can't even handle the truth! People literally say: "Truth hurts."


"I- uh- Well I just wanted you to come with me to a party I was invited to!"

"A party that you were invited to but not me?!" I raised my voice. Who the fuck would choose Heidi over me?! I'm fucking kewl.

"No, no no that's not it!-" I interrupted her and practically yelled back, "Then what is it, Heidi?!"

"T-they told me to invite you!" Her voice was shaky, either she was scared, crying, or both. I didn't give a shit. If Kyles sooooo nice to her she can go run along to him.

"Okay. Fine. I'll believe you. When is it." I said, lowering my voice. "Today, 6:30."

"Heidi. Why didn't you tell me fucking earlier?! It's 6:00!"

"I'm sorry! I was getting ready and I forgot!"

"You really just want me fucking dead, don't you?!" God, she's a horrible girlfriend. I bet she was so busy getting ready to impress the dirty jew.

"No, honey I promise! You're the only thing I have and the only thing I need!"

"Oh so Im just a fucking thing to you now, huh?!"

"No! You're the most amazing person I know!"

"How many guys have you told that to?!" I was out of the fast food place by now, and I swung my car door open. "One person, and that's you!"

"You probably told it to that fucking jew too."


I hung up the phone and pressed the start button of my car. I skidded onto the road and rushed to my house. I parked and ran into my house, slamming the door behind me. I ran to my room and looked at myself in the mirror. "I look so kewl."

Why did I even rush home? I already look so fucking sick. I posed in the mirror then heard a ding from my phone. I slid my phone out of my pocket and checked who texted.

Hey love❤️❤️🥰 Are you ready for the party?

I scoffed and left her on read. Obviously I fucking am, I'm not a slow bitch like her. I check the time and it reads: 6:20.

I walked out of my room and walked back out to my car. I opened the door and hopped in once again. I drove over to Tokens house, driving very carefully. VERY carefully. Sure some people honked, sure I almost ran someone over, but what do you want me to do?

I parked in front of Tokens house and pushed my door open, checking myself out in my rear view mirror. God I look so fucking hot, I think to myself.

I take one more pose and start walking to the door, I heard someone yell my name and I turned around. "Cartman, Heidi invited you?"

I nodded slowly in response to Stan. Stans arm was linked with Wendy's and they were smiling. Stan went low with Wendy. Wendy's the fucking worst.


"Then where is she?"

"I don't fucking know."

"You didn't come with her?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I wasn't specified to wait for her. Sure, it's "nice" but who would go with their cheating, manipulative, backstabbing, psychopathic girlfriend?!

Not me.


"Well is she almost ready?"

"I don't know! God what's with the questions." I said, anger in the tone of my voice. "Eric, you need to treat Heidi better. She's one of my best friends and I cannot go around knowing you're manipulating and using her!" Wendy said out of the blue. I glared at her, getting more furious as seconds pass.

"I'm not fucking using or-"

Wendy cut me off with her voice, I felt anger burning up inside of me. This women has fucking nerves. "No! You fucking are! You're using her as a little toy to bring down and act like she's nothing. She deserves so much better then you! She says you're just bad at relationships and stuff, but this is too fucking far! Anyone would agree with me except Heidi because she loves you! But you don't love her back, do you?"

"I'm not using her! I love her with all my fucking life and I won't let someone like you tell me what I am feeling! You know, if anyone's using anyone in our relationship, she's the one using me! She doesn't give me anything I want, but I give her everything she fucking wants! She never, fucking ever, let's anyone shit talk me! Like-"

"That's a good thing." Stan said, interrupting me. "Yeah. I don't see a problem with that." Wendy said pretty quickly after Stan's sentence.

"No! Because she probably shit talks me behind my back, but doesn't let anyone else because she wants to be the bitch!"

"Trust me. She could never ever fucking say anything bad about you. I don't see how she puts up with you." Wendy said, I flipped her off and said," "Screw you guys, I'm going into Tolkiens house."

I shushed them from speaking and opened the doors to Tolkiens huge fucking home. I looked left and right, seeing how many people there are.

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