Chapter 5 -K

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Heidis POV

I walked into my apartment shutting the door behind me as I tossed my bag down onto the floor walking over to my full length mirror next to some of my plants I was growing. I looked at myself in the mirror and eyed my body. Sure I wasnt skinny anymore, maybe I put on...fourty pounds since I started dating Eric but it was just water weight! Yeah, just water weight.

I looked away and at my closet walking towards it. It was brown and tall filled with clothes. I opened it and my eyes darted around the wooden closet and at my clothes, I knew exactly what to wear!! I grabbed a green dress I loved so much, I had to buy it in the max size a few months ago since it was the only size they had it in that fit me but it was so pretty!! I was smiling ear to ear as I grabbed it, it always made me feel so pretty and happy wearing it. I quickly tore of what I was wearing, and tried putting the dress on.

My heart dropped when it didnt fit me. My smiled faded as I looked into the mirror, I realized how much weight I really did put on. How does Eric still love me? I looked over at a photo of me on my wall, I looked diffrenet. I used to be skinny, but dating Eric I gained alot of weight. I felt like crying, I loved this dress. I sighed trying not to cry as I blinked my tears away almost breaking down when I accidently ripped the dress trying to take it off. I forgot to invite Cartman so I knew he would yell at me for that, Jesus. At this point this was so much for me.

I looked over at the time, 5:48. I had some time. I dont think I should wear a dress, I don't want to be made fun of. Whatever I guess. I put on what I was wearing earlier and grabbed my phone as I headed to the clothing store.

I called Eric and he picked up after it rang a few times, "What." I heard his voice say seeming to be pretty annoyed already, thats my fault I guess. "Hey sweetie..." "What." "I- uh- Well I just wanted you to come with me to a party I was invited to!"

"A party that you were invited to but not me?!" He yelled back now more frustrated. "No, no no thats not it-!" I tried explaining, why didnt they invite him?! He interupted me yelling again. "Then what is it, Heidi?!" "T-they told me to invite you!" I responded with my voice shaking again, this was so much. I pulled into the parking lot of the clothing shop and waited his response.

"Okay. Fine. I'll believe you. When is it." He said, lowering his voice. "Today, 6:30." "Heidi. Why didn't you tell me fucking earlier?! It's 6:00!"
"I'm sorry! I was getting ready and I forgot!"
"You really just want me fucking dead, don't you?!"

I had to act quickly, I didnt want him to get even more mad at me. "No, honey I promise! You're the only thing I have and the only thing I need!" "Oh so Im just a fucking thing to you now, huh?!"
"No! You're the most amazing person I know!""How many guys have you told that to?!" "One person, and that's you!"
"You probably told it to that fucking jew too."

I couldnt talk before he hung up on me. I sighed blinking back tears, I hate my life.

A while later

I found a maroon dress that barley fit me, I had to wear a corset for it to. I knew what Cartman would say to me and it already made me want to cry. I picked up my phone and texted him asking if he was already at the party, left on read. Of course I guess.

"I love you." I texted before shutting my phone off and glancing at my now broken mirror before grabbing my bag and heading out the door and to tolkiens.

I pulled into the driveway parking as a took a deep breath to calm myself opening the door afterwards. I glanced around and noticed Kyle talking to Stan and Wendy outside, he noticed me too and waved me over with a smile. I couldnt help but smile as well. I walked over and Kyles mouth basically drops to the floor seeing me. "You look amazing, Heidi." He stammers out before looking away trying to hide his red face, I saw how red his ears were chuckled softly.

Remember when Cartman did that?

My heart dropped remembering their prom, he took me and Cartmans jaw dropped seeing me, it was one of the limited nice moments we had together that I loved. Cartman came out scoffing when he saw me and Kyle close to together. "Ew, did you just eat a whole bucket of KFC? I knew you were fat but Jesus, that corset isn't helping shit." He laughed and I looked at the floor as Kyle turned his head to look at Eric. "Shut up fatass, she looks better than you." He said looking at me noticing how upset I looked he walked up to me and hugged me gently causing Eric to roll his eyes fuming from what Kyle was doing. "Leave her alone you fucking jew." Eric said raising his voice slightly.

"Hey, you are beautiful okay?" Kyle whispered to me causing me to smile softly as I looked up at him before being grabbed by Eric, again. "I said fuck off, or ill beat your ass." "Stop being such a bitch to her, fatass."

Cartman realizes that I'm not defending him like I normally do and how I kept looking over at Kyle in a way I used to do him. Cartman pulled me Inside the house and into a empty room before grabbing my chin making me look at him. "I love you, I don't like you talking to him." he said to me making my heart drop. "What?" "I love you." he never said that out loud to me, not in years. "I love you to, Eric." "You are so pretty and amazing." He said starting to caress my cheek with his free hand looking into my eyes before kissing me gently, my heart raced as my eyes widened. He never did this, whats going on? He pulled away after a few seconds and smiled in a way that made my heart race even faster, maybe I do love him still.

"Kyle is a bad man, trust me. He manipulted you and is trying to make you hate me." "Huh?." "I know you can tell but he is, thats why I don't like you near him." "Hes...manipulating me?"

"Yes. Don't talk to him anymore."

"Okay, lovebug."

I did what he said, I blocked Kyle and avoided him the whole party even when he tried talking to me I hugged Eric and Eric did something that made Kyle scoff and walk away every time.

After the party

I was in Erics car as he drove us to his house, he seemed more touchy and happy than normal. Weird? He normally was pushy and rude but I didnt mind the sudden change. We pulled into his house and into the driveway parking before getting out and opening the passanger door for me.

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