Chapter 1: Broken and Alone

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It was an ordinary day in Adventure Bay. Dina and Ryder were playing video games and the pups were playing tag. We'll all except for one. That pup was Marshall. Chase insisted he sat out since he usually messes the games up. Being a kind pup and not wanting to upset his friends further he sat by a tree nearby and watched. Marshall was just thinking to himself.

Marshall: "Why don't they understand that I can't control my clumsiness. I get that it can be annoying, but why make me sit out like this. It's just not fair."

Marshall got up and walked to his pup house on the side of the Lookout. He got in and it turned into his fire truck.

Marshall: "Maybe a little drive around will help me take my mind off everything."

Marshall started his truck and he drove off. No one noticed, not even the other pups.

Marshall drove around the town as he waved to the people around him. He saw kids having fun. Adults relaxing or taking walks or doing other stuff. Everything was peaceful that day.
Marshall eventually drove by Mr. Porters and Decided to stop by and say hi to him and Alex.

Marshall parked his truck and hopped out. He walked over and saw Alex drawing with crayons and Mr. Porter sweeping.

Marshall: "Hey Mr. Porter, hey Alex!"

Alex: "Hi Marshall!"

Alex ran up to Marshall to show him the drawing he was working on. The drawing had him and the other paw patrol members drawn on it, it looked very good for someone his age.

Marshall: "Wow Alex, that looks amazing!"

Alex: "Thanks Marshall!"

Alex game Marshall a hug and pet him which Marshall enjoyed.

Mr. Porter: "Hello Marshall."

Marshall: "Hi Mr. Porter."

Mr. Porter: "What bring you here today?"

Marshall: "Juts wanted to go for a drive is all. What are you up to?"

Mr. Porter: "I'm cleaning up the cafe. I also need to put those vegetables away. Could you help me out?"

Marshall: "Sure thing!"

Marshall went to a box and grabbed it with his teeth. He slowly walked over to make sure he didn't drop it.

Even though he tried his best. He tripped and fell causing all the vegetables to spill out everywhere. Marshall looked down in shame.

Marshall: "I'm sorry Mr. Porter."

Mr. Porter pet Marshall softly

Mr. Porter: "It's okay buddy, I guess I should've been a bit considerate that it would be hard to move the box with your teeth. Thank you for wanting to help though, effort goes a long way."

Marshall still down felt a little better about his mistake after that.

Marshall: "Thanks Mr. Porter, I'm gonna go see how Mayor Goodway's doing."

Mr. Porter: "Okay Marshall, have a good day!"

Marshall waked goodbye and he drove off to Town Hall.

A few minutes later Marshall arrived at Town Hall and saw Mayor Goodway tending to her tulips.

Marshall: "Hello Mayor!"

Mayor Goodway: "Oh hello Marshall! How are you?"

Marshall: "I'm alright."

Mayor Goodway noticed Marshall was a little down but didn't say anything.

Mayor Goodway: "What do you think of my Tulips Marshall?"

Paw Patrol AU: Shattered BondsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora