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Ik'hi had just locked the door behind her, Dart was wondering why, there was no reason to do so in his opinion.

"So, we're all alone now. Would you mind to tell me what that was out there? You were acting really strange."

"Well, it's kind of difficult to explain."

Ik'hi swam closer and looked him directly in the eyes.

"Then find an easy way to explain it!"

She was getting quite close into his personal space, a sign that she was exhausted and didn't want any more talking around the honey. Dart understood her very well, the last time Ik'hi slept had also been the last time he slept, which was already 21 hours ago.

"Well, you see, there's one thing I haven't told the scientists about yet... because I feared they would write me off as crazy..."

Ik'hi made a face that resembled the human equivalent of a raised eyebrow.

"I understand, and?"

"Will you promise not to tell anyone?"

"Yes I do, now tell me, can you read minds or something?"

"Not quite, but I can sense how other's feel, sometimes I can even feel the presence of others."

One look at Ik'hi and he knew that she wasn't believing him.

"It's more of a sporadic thing, I can't control when it happens..."

"Wait wait wait, so you're saying that you sometimes possess telepathic abilities?"

"Well, yeah, is that bad?"

"Not unless the scientists find out about it."

"Yes, that's why I asked you not to tell anyone."

Ik'hi stared at him for a few seconds.

"Did you really assume your best friend would hand you over to the scientists over something like that?"

"Well, I-"

Before he could finish, Dart received a headbutt to the stomach, it wasn't a strong one, but enough for him to almost be flipped over. It took him a second to recollect his senses. 

Great, she was mad at him, really mad.

"Look, I'm sorry, I was just afraid things wouldn't be the same."

Ik'hi slowly swam towards him, unfortunately the room didn't leave him any space to escape, his dorsal fin met the wall. 

"Dart", she looked him directly into the eyes, "I am your best friend as you told me, and you are the same to me. I would never risk losing you to some stupid people in doctor coats over something like potential telepathy. I'm really dissapointed that you don't trust me with that!"

He had to admit that she was right, he could've told Ik'hi everything, she never even once let anything he told her in private slip out. After all, they trusted each other with everything. But he assumed it would potentially harm her to know of this, well, now it kind of did harm her because she didn't know.

He switched to Trinär, Ik'hi was already exhausted, a conversation in Terranic would take her quite some effort.

I was stupid

To leave from secret you excludedWrong it was, please hear meI hope you can forgive me

She gave it a slight nod before she replied.

Never do it again
I will forgive you then

That was a relief.

Again I will do it never
I trust you whatsoever

Ik'hi seemed to be satisfied with that and gave him some more breathing space.

"We got half an hour before the next status update, would you mind singing a sing for me while we wait?"

Dart looked at her, this was the first time she had asked him to do that since they arrived at Garifa 1 and a half years ago.

"Oh, of course, which kind of-"

"Anything would be fine."

She swam in circles around him now, once they left this planet behind he would ask her if there was something she didn't tell him. For now, he opted to sing one of the songs he had picked up from a radio that was standing near the tank in the laboratory that once was his home. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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