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Pain was the first thing that dug into his head as Dart regained consciousness.

It took him a while to remember what happened, how the hell was he still alive? He should've been the Ovrian's breakfast by now.

Wait, what if he was taken in for interrogation? His blood ran cold, after all the things the Ovrians could do to him were horrible.

He slowly opened one of his eyes, the area around him was completely dark, absolutely nothing was recognizable. Next he attempted to move his tail. 

"W-what the...?"

Something blocked him from moving. He focused his eye on what exactly was keeping him from doing so. To his shock he had to find out he was strapped to an operation table. He clenched his eyes shut and tried to supress the pain while he attempted to twist his way out. 

"Na ah ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Dart froze as something or someone touched his head. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked directly into a white glowing pupil. He let out a squeak of fear.

"Please don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

"Kill you? Why should I do that?"

The lights turned on, only now Dart recognised the figure floating through anti gravity next to him. It was Erik, the Tursiops scientist. 

"W-wait wha- for god's sake why do you have to be so creepy?"

"I wasn't being creepy, what do you mean, officer?"

"I mean the fact that- nevermind..."

Dart groaned as the pain came back, the moment of shock had passed.

"W-why am I here and not in the med station?"

"Well, Dr Benning needed to keep your back fixated while the medicine does it's job. With another particular reason being the fact that he pulled this out of your back."

Erik grabbed one of the plastic bags out of the drawer next to the operating table and held it up for Dart to have a good look at it. Inside was the tooth of an Ovrian and a few metal pieces.

Dart hesitated a moment to say anything.

"Will I be able to swim again?"

"Of course you will, the tooth only barely missed your nervous system. If you were bit only 5 millimeters to the-"

"Thank you Erik, I only asked wether or not I would be able to."

"Alright", Erik stuffed the plastic bag into the drawer again.

"I take it that you must be pretty impatient to get out of here, officer. How about we play a game of chess to waste time?" 

He placed his holo-tablet in front of Dart's snout, the hologram transformed into a chessboard, hologram figures appeared on top of it.

"Don't worry, I'll move the pieces for you."

Dart looked up at Erik.

"Do I have any other choice?

"Well we could discuss the nature of your injuries if you'd like."

"No, thanks, I prefer chess."

He watched a smirk form on Erik's face. This was gonna be a long day, but chess was better than nothing.

"Knight to C4, please."

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