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Why were there no fish around?

He carefully left his hiding place in the tall seagrass, usually this place was filled with fish. But there was nothing around except for that strange metallic structure that wasn't there yesterday. 

Said structure was nothing like anything he saw before, did it come from the lights in the sky?

No, it must be from here, something this big shouldn't be able to fly, right? 

It looked metallic, he had seen this sort of material once near the trench before, but never here. 

Curiosity overtook him, he needed to know what that thing was. His sonar was unable to deliver any answers other than what he already knew, but one thing was for sure, it was blocking his sonar. He could sense that something was alive inside of it, even though he couldn't tell what. 

While swimming in for a closer look, he noticed that several pointy things were pretruding from the object's outside, some were bigger, some were smaller.


He approached what he assumed to be a big and flat fish, but it turned out to be just a similiar looking metallic object.

Maybe he should lead his swarm here, this might be a fun place to play with, the object even offered a few places to hide in.

A hissing like sound startled him.


He scurried behind the flat metallic thing. 

A few seconds passed with nothing happening. Carefully he peeked out of his hiding place. A few unintelligable squeaking sounds reached his ears.

Sound! Friend?

He caught a glimpse of 5 smaller things, they were living beings, he could sense their emotions, even if some didn't make sense to him.

But these weren't friends, they may sound like friends, but they were different. Bigger with shorter snouts, and their tailfins, they looked twisted, different than his. 

Creatures strange!

Their intentions seemed good natured, but who was he to tell? Surely the swarm's oldest would know more, maybe he would even know what they were.

He waited until they dissapeared and dashed off to warn his swarm.

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