30. Party upgrade

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On the way back to Zonia they stopped again for a lunch break long enough for Alex to take a proper break from flying. Following along a rough mental map that Alex had made during the flight to Daromir they were easily able to follow the path they took back. Using the Sage skill Alex is also able to receive directions if they stray off course. Soon after the lunch break a message pops up for Alex.

[Skill gained; Mapping]

"***Woah, Sage, did I just get this skill because of how I was visualising the map?***"

"[Yes it is highly likely the reason for unlocking it. As for its abilities it automatically tracks the places you have travelled on an accurate map. You can view it as an image in your mind or show it like a picture (hologram) to others.]"

"***Hmm good thing that we haven't travelled too far from home yet.***" 

After just a few hours they were already flying over the jungle trees towards the centre of the forest. The closer they were getting the more excited Liz seemed to be getting, enjoying the views of the jungle from above. "*Liz, take a look ahead of us, you should be able to see the clearing*" Alex says turning their head slightly to look back at her. "*Ooh I can already smell the adventure from here!*" she says leaning as far forwards as her straps allow her. Just a few minutes later as Alex circles down from above the city they look around with far-sight to check where their friends might be. "*My word, hows this place not been found before?*" Liz mumbles, craning her neck to see the city below them. "*The previous barrier around the city prevented ordinary people and monsters from entering*" Alex explains as they search the city. Several houses have been completed at this point, as well as a dozen more well on the way. Next to Alex's half complete house a couple other houses have started construction as well with villagers hard at work everywhere. Looking over to the training field to the west side of the village they spot everyone training with magic, as well as a whole bunch of unfamiliar faces together with Iris and Gerald. Alex can see a whole bunch of people with them getting very surprised when they see and point out the two Alex's flying down, luckily Iris manages to calm them down before they do anything rash. "***Hmm quite the entrance I'm making again... well whatever I'll meet them later.***" Coming in for a landing on the empty archery range, Alex hobbles over to the others before sitting right down on the ground. While Liz and May get unstrapped from the saddles Carl, Elvan, and Mel join them from their practice, the two tigers following leisurely behind Mel. "*I'm spent*" Alex says as they combine back together storing away the armours. "*Alex!*" Mel says happily hugging Alex tight before they transform back in to a slime, "*Here I'll take you around.*" she picks them up holding them close to her stomach. With a round of introductions everyone is acquainted with the new member of the team. While they chat away and fill them in on the new updates of the last three days Alex dozes off halfway through, only catching the part where several groups of adventurers had arrived to the village just after they left, and then later two more managed to find the city by themselves. 

A while later Alex is woken up by May while they walk back to the main plaza for dinner, "*Wakey wakey, you don't want to miss dinner now do you mister?*" Sitting down at the big table together Liz and Carl seem to be hitting it off while Elvan listens to May's explanation of what they learned. Alex calls over Bond when he shows up to meet with Liz and arrange for them to work together for the foreseeable future on the blacksmithing projects. Agreeing to go with them after dinner to drop of Liz's stuff at the blacksmithing building Mel decides to carry Alex there later. Looking at the table Liz and Mel seem to fit right in with the others, giving Alex an idea. Hopping over to Elvan and May, Alex calls Carl over from the other side, "*Guys I had a thought. I was just looking and I really feel like Liz and Mel fit right in with us.*" Alex says in a low voice and the other three nod and agree, "*I remembered that we still have some of the weapons from the vault that would be perfect for the both of them. So I was thinking that we could have them join our party to make a team of 6, and give them each a weapon.*" Elvan nods along with the other two, "*It would be a shame to leave those weapons to gather dust.*"

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