Prologue, Who dis

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(writers note: I'm writing in Obsidian, and copying from there so sometimes the formatting might be off. for the different formatting stuff that keeps appearing I will put a note at the top of the first chapter where it appears and will try to stick to that formatting from there on out. As this is just a first draft and me copy pasting it out on to this site there will likely be errors in spelling and grammar and such. If you come across discrepancies in the story itself where things contradict each other please let me know.)

In the dark castle, known to the creatures of this world as Grothur, shouting can be heard through halls of black marble. A cold feeling passes through the corridors the louder and louder the shouting becomes, the feeling of nearing death. This is quite a common occurrence that the servants of the castle are familiar with, yet each time the sense of impending doom can't be shaken off till the argument ceases.

This time the argument can be heard to be coming from the throne room where the emperor Soromon has closed himself in. No soul was to be allowed in to the throne room until the emperor came out and gave the word. The guards would always sweep the room before the emperor goes in to ensure that no single creature is in there but him, should the emperor find something... well... he is not allowed to find anything or else there will be no end to the repercussions.

No-one knows who it is that the emperor argues with in that dark throne room, as no-one else but the emperor himself is allowed in. It is however clear to the castles servants that the emperor is talking to someone, some have their theories and speculations, but none dare to speak up to the emperor out of fear.

While the emperor and his forces rule over the lands of Edris with a strong hand, the people and creatures of the empire are able to live in relative peace. Each town or settlement only faces real danger from groups of thieving, pillaging, bandits and creatures. With magic in the hands of some of the more skilled members of these towns and settlements they are able to fend off most ill-intentioned visitors and give everyone the chance to live their lives to the fullest.

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