Chapter 8 ↴

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As I swung gracefully through the bustling streets of the Halloween-themed city, my spider webs glistening in the moonlight, I felt the exhilaration of the night coursing through my veins. With each fluid movement, I propelled myself forward, effortlessly navigating between the towering buildings adorned with eerie decorations.

Beside me, Miguel, hopped from one rooftop to another with remarkable acrobatic skill.

As we approached the source of the disturbance, a sudden and deafening boom echoed through the air, rattling the very foundations of the city.

As we reached the top of a towering rooftop, pausing to catch our breath, our eyes were drawn downward, expecting to witness the origin of the thunderous boom. However, a sudden realization washed over us like a chilling breeze on a moonlit night. We should have been looking up, not down.

As we redirected our gaze to above, a burst of vibrant colors exploded across the night sky. It was a dazzling display of fireworks, their fiery tendrils dancing and shimmering in the darkness. Each explosion painted the firmament with cascades of crimson, emerald, and gold, casting a mesmerizing glow upon the cityscape.

With a sigh of relief, I pulled off my mask, Miguel followed suit, his face revealing a mixture of exhaustion and contentment. Seeking a moment of peace, I sat down on a bench atop the rooftop, overlooking the city below, as Miguel stood beside me.

As the vibrant fireworks burst and bloomed across the darkened sky, painting it with splashes of color and illuminating the Halloween festivities, it was short-lived.

As I settled onto the bench, a sudden dampness caught my attention, causing a shiver of discomfort to run down my spine. Puzzled, I glanced down, only to discover that the seat beneath me was unmistakably wet. A sinking feeling gripped me as I turned my gaze towards the source of this unwelcome surprise.

To my dismay, my eyes locked onto a sign nearby, adorned with what appeared to be fresh paint. The unmistakable scent of wet paint wafted through the air, mingling with the faint residue of Halloween festivities.

Cursing under my breath, I felt Miguel's gaze upon me, his perceptive eyes narrowing. Sensing my stillness and apparent discomfort, he couldn't help but question my state.

"What's wrong with you?" he inquired, his tone his usual touch of annoyance, as he scoffed.

Pausing for a moment, I gathered my thoughts, debating whether to reveal the source of my frustration and discomfort or make him feel the frustration and discomfort with me.

"Sit down with me and I'll tell you." I watch Miguel slowly sit down beside me, I look towards him.

"This bench just got painted..." He turned towards me with an expression I wouldn't even be able to  describe.

In the midst of the lingering silence. Without uttering a word, Miguel summoned a swirling portal that materialized before us, an invitation to return to the Spider society. As we both rose from the bench, our movements slightly stiff from the paint that clung to our backs, we made our way through the portal, leaving behind the painted sign and the fleeting allure of the fireworks. A grin spread across my face, a mixture of amusement and acceptance.

. . . . . ╰──╮

With my freshly cleaned suit comfortably worn by me, I emerged from my room. Stepping into the lobby I walked towards Miguel's screen room. I found Miguel stationed by his bank of screens, his gaze fixed intently on the array of information displayed before him. A small grin tugged at the corners of my lips as I observed his immaculate suit, seemingly untouched by the need for washing.

❝ Caught in the web of love ❞  - ↳ Miguel O'hara Where stories live. Discover now