Chapter 3 ↴

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As the morning cast its golden rays through the half-closed blinds, streams of sunlight danced across my room, painting a vibrant tapestry on the walls and floor. The warm illumination breathed life into the otherwise dormant space, highlighting every intricate detail and casting enchanting shadows.

Lying motionless on my bed, I found myself lost in a sea of thoughts, my gaze fixed on the expanse of the ceiling above me.

Outside my door, Miguel's persistent voice echoed in the distance, calling my name twice in an attempt to awaken me from my slumber. Like a persistent fly buzzing in my ear. 

It's been about a week since he let me join this team of fighting anomalies across the spider-verse. I was amazed when I stepped into his dimension, at the headquarters, there were so many Spider people.

Just like me.

I still check up on my earth every night, I'm still there to protect my city. Luckily Aunt May remains unaware that I've been skipping classes to go fight across the spider-verse. The school's dormitory came in handy. Even though I can't attend my classes I still pick up my homework and ask Miguel to help me occasionally.

Miguel took me under his wing complaining that I couldn't handle myself.

From the start, I genuinely tried to get along with Miguel, hoping we could connect. But his attempts to bond with me were pretty underwhelming. We just didn't click, and now I'm stuck with him because he's taken me under his wing.

"Get out of bed right now and meet me at my headquarters," Miguel's voice demanded, filled with irritation, seeping through the closed door.

His words cut through the peaceful morning, disturbing the calm atmosphere and instantly capturing my attention. The annoyance in his voice was clear, conveying his impatience and frustration.

Reluctantly, I tore my gaze away from the ceiling, torn between the comfort of my bed and the upcoming obligation to meet him. His commanding tone urged me to abandon my cozy refuge and step into the outside world. I could sense his frustration even from behind the closed door, his impatience evident in the way he spoke. It felt like a storm brewing, pushing me to act despite my longing for a few more moments of rest.

I could hear his footsteps move away from my door as slowly they descended further away, until they weren't heard anymore.

I rolled out of my bed, putting on my spidey suit, as I exited the room.  I walked the main hall into the headquarters full of all the Spider-Men.

As I leisurely made my way, a gentle smile graced my face, and my hand rose in a friendly wave as I passed by each individual. They were all so friendly.

. . . . . ╰──╮

I arrived at Miguel's headquarters and was taken aback by the sight. I still couldn't get used to all his futuristic technology. There he stood on a moving platform, similar to an elevator, several feet above the ground. Engrossed in a screen before him, Miguel commanded attention and authority.

The platform-like elevator descended slowly, bringing Miguel to the ground. He stood unwavering, his attention fixed on the screens before him.

After a moment of silence, he finally turned around.

With a tinge of irritation in his tone, he addressed me, "I see you're finally awake (y/n)." Despite the slight edge in his voice, his words flowed like a river of smooth, rich dark chocolate.

"Well, I must say, waking up fashionably late seems to be my specialty. I guess I have a talent for keeping time on its toes," I quipped, adding a touch of lightheartedness to the moment.

"Well, it's about time you joined the land of the living. Let's hope your tardiness doesn't become a recurring theme," he coolly responded, his tone carrying a hint of icy detachment.

We always acted like little kids, constantly bickering and never being able to be friendly with one another. It was strange how he reserved such behavior only for me. Our fights would typically end in a standoff, leaving an unspoken promise of payback lingering in the air.

Stepping off the platform, he proceeded to lay out the mission for the day, providing a clear explanation of our objectives.

"It appears we have an anomaly in Earth-1229," he said, his voice laced with concern, his eyebrows furrowing in response. "Sandman is causing havoc in a gladiator arena in Rome. Unfortunately, I couldn't establish contact with the Spider-Man of that dimension. So, it falls upon us to rectify the situation and return the anomaly to its rightful dimension."

"Sandman in a gladiator arena? Talk about a sandstorm of trouble. When do we leave?" I inquired. This would be my first real mission ever since I've gotten here.

He ignored my remake and without a moment's hesitation, he spoke with a determined tone, his eyes glancing down at his watch. "Right now," he emphasized, his words brimming with a sense of urgency. He turned his attention towards me, assessing my preparedness for the imminent departure. "You have everything?" he inquired.

I nodded to him.

I look down at my watch, still fascinated how it could take you to any dimension, and keep you stable.

I looked up, glancing his way. He caught me staring, but I caught him staring right back,
and he looked at me, like there was something he wanted to say.

A shimmering portal materialized before us. It glowed with a mesmerizing light, beckoning us to step through and confront the anomaly that plagued Earth-1229. Without hesitation, we embraced the unknown, venturing into a parallel dimension where vibrant landscapes awaited.

Excitement surged through my veins as we emerged onto this foreign Earth. The beauty of the gladiator arena was unparalleled, with a breathtaking site, the walls stretching as far as the eye could see. However, amidst the splendor, a menacing anomaly loomed, crackling with disruptive energy.

(Remember this is an enemies to lovers. He'll warm up soon, shshsh 😭)

❝ Caught in the web of love ❞  - ↳ Miguel O'hara Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz